Apr 23, 2007 12:23
I think perhaps spring is finally here. Of course, since this is Michigan, we only have about 2 weeks between snow and 85 degree weather, so I'd better enjoy it while it lasts! Actually, to be fair, it hasn't snowed since just after Easter, but it had been fairly cool from then until the end of last week and the weekend, when it was finally well into the 70s. Today it's cloudy and looks like there might be a thunderstorm, but it's still warm. Weather here is so weird.
Last week I had my second checkup, and all is well. We heard the heartbeat a bit stronger this time. Michael is getting very excited about the whole thing -- he's so funny! I think he's actually more excited than I am right now; I'm also worried and starting to get stressed out about finances and housing and the whole deal. Michael says I've been cranky, but I'm very, very grateful that I haven't actually been sick. I have no idea how I would have handled that on top of my crazy work schedule and everything else.
Work is going as well as it ever does, I'm going to be promoted in a few weeks, and Michael is learning to keep house. Really, I should not be complaining about anything!