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Mar 31, 2009 12:22

vivonelcarmelo  came for a visit over the weekend.  It was great to see her!  It had been about a year since her last visit.  We got to meet Zavira, too.  Unfortunately, my cats didn't much enjoy having a kitty visitor, but I wasn't expecting them to be overjoyed.  It took them a year to get to the point where they tolerated each other!  David wasn't at all sure at first whether he liked having a stranger in the house (usually when he meets new people it's somewhere else) but by Sunday he didn't want her to leave!  He tried to make friends with Zavira, too, but that didn't work as well.

The weekend was spent mostly eating lots and sleeping little, but also included watching Mirrormask, which I hadn't seen before (absolutely fascinating movie), and a bit of shopping, and things along those lines.  It turns out that old vine Zinfandel goes very well with both homemade pizza and very dark chocolate.  Too bad pizza and chocolate don't go together as well!  Also discovered a new way to make me eat my vegetables:  cucumber, tomato and hummus sandwiches.  Yum.

We found a mystery white wine at the World Market; apparently there was too much of a particular well-known wine, and the World Market convinced the winery to let them label it.  The actual name is on the cork.  I don't usually drink white wines, so I'm not sure what I'll make to go with it...  Any suggestions for a meal to go with Chardonnay?
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