*Can't believe I've worked at camp for 10 years. It does not seem that long, nor did I ever imagine I'd be allowed to do so. It has been a gift.
*Was introduced to Spotify this summer. Pretty cool.
*Was also introduced to "Duck Dynasty." Now that is an odd, funny show.
*Recently saw "The Incredibles" for the first time in years. I'd forgotten how awesome a movie it is: plot, characters, music, animation, issues/lessons. One of Pixar's best. Have been searching for fanfiction.
*Have gotten into the cooking show "Chopped" for some reason.
*"Carousel" was on TV recently. Forgot how long the dance sequences were. Still love the music and acting.
*Am definitely turning into a figure skating fan. Can't wait for the season to start, and see all the new programs. While waiting, I've been eating up the very informative
The Skating Lesson podcasts.
*A lot of my summer reading centered on Jane Austen. I didn't read any of her books, but books about her. "Jane Austen for Dummies" was a favorite; I really liked learning the context in which her writing took place. I learned a lot about the times, events, customs and issues, which I think will shed more light on her writings when I reread her books. I am currently working through the Jane Austen Mystery series which are proving to be quite the delight.
*Way back in the 1990s, Olympic Gold Medalist Dorothy Hamill starred in an ice show, "Cinderella...Frozen in Time." I have it on a very old VHS and used to watch a lot when I was little. To my surprise I discovered the music for the show was available on CD and was able to get a copy. The music is so lovely. It was one of my favorite things about the show.
*Dear little Ori! He can be so sweet and polite. I think I will have change my ranking of the dwarves!
*Fanfiction recs:
No Living Man (LotR)Jack Jack vs Edna Mode (Incredibles)Green Tea Monsters (Incredibles)Oblivion