Faces - old (Lewis) and new (Katniss)

Jan 20, 2012 22:13

Finally(!!!) viewed the latest series of Inspector Lewis while on break. (Had been meaning to catch up with him and Hathaway since the new series aired on PBS back in October or November.) Was up until after 1 in the morning watching, and what a pleasure it was! Despite looking a tad older, and contemplating retirement, Lewis and Hathaway were in brilliant form. I grinned like mad during the first episode when Hathaway tracked Lewis down at the grocer’s due to a case, and Lewis sensed he wasn’t there for shopping. Yes! The great duo was back…how much they had been missed. Great dynamic between them, surrounded by a great supporting cast in their fellow colleges and suspects. Oxford again was a breathtaking backdrop to the various investigations. And having each episode being 90 minutes was wonderful, allowing time for development in the plot and characters. Hathaway almost stole the series in my opinion, with his playing matchmaker in one instance and, when Lewis was considering retiring, claiming he would go too - “Who else understands me?” Aw! Hope we’ll get one more season.

After three or four semesters of hearing about the “It Book” in my library classes - which included the professor showing the trailer for the movie in class - I broke down to see what all the fuss was about with Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games. It has been a week since I finished it, it continues to whirl in my brain, and I am still unsure exactly what I think of it. This reading was not really my cup of tea, me not being a fan of books with lots of violence. And while the violence in the Hunger Games was not all-up-in-your-face-specific-to-the-last-detail, it was very disturbing, especially with the fighters being 12 to 18-year-olds. …Very hard to get through. I did like Katniss, how she fought the Capitol so hard in little ways, showing she was a pawn who did not agree with them. Peeta never caught my interest; nor was I fan of the “fake” romance between him and Katniss. (By the end of the trilogy I’m guessing it is no longer fake and poor Gale (who I liked most of the characters) is left all alone and brokenhearted, right?) Overall an interesting story.

review(s), tv series, book(s)

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