Mar 16, 2009 20:47


Please please please go to my devart, check out the latest pics (the ones with chucken feets in them) and give me incredibly critical reviews.  Like, be completely brutal.

They're experimental preliminary stuff for my year long project at school, i'm just playing around with ideas, but also getting feedback from everyone I know, to get a wide range of it.

So please help!

Also, grrr at you stomach cramps, grrrr.  Stupid period made my boobs go up a cup size (yay!) but gave me the worst stomach cramps I've had in my life- and I always get really bad ones.  These are crippling me.  Bastards.  Combined with EVIL SCOLIOSIS ACHE its just super.

Raspberry Green Tea helps.   As does Teddy, my hottie.

Something is wrong with my Jasper, he has been feed and petted and loved and he is meowing sadly at me.  :(

In other news, still with joe, relatively happy, have gone down to four nights work a week (have sun, mon, wed off!) and yep, all is well.  Loving course (BCT - Bachelor Creative Technology iin Digital Media - photography and graphic design via Weltech), etc etc etc.
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