May 13, 2007 14:04
I had a dream last night where I was in a building that was getting attacked by paramilitary people or something like that-- at one point I wound up fighting for my life with one of the guys and, surprisingly, winning. Right after that I woke up.
Because of the dream, I started thinking about the Virginia Tech shootings, and I was wondering why nobody did anything. Okay, I can understand that it is surprising that Cho popped into the room and started firing. Fine, everyone is scared and they just froze up-- for round one I can understand that. But in some of the classrooms, he left and then came back in and kept firing and still nobody did anything. I never read a single article where there was a report of someone rushing him and getting shot. I even read one account where someone hiding heard him stop firing to reload, and still nobody got up and attacked him in the two seconds or so that he reloaded. Also it wasn't like he was rolling in there with a fully automatic weapon-- he had a glock 9. A pistol!
I can completely understand hiding under a desk basically hoping that he doesn't pick you to get shot as a first survival instinct. But when he then starts walking around executing everyone, it is amazing to me that nobody came up with an alternate plan. Especially when he kills a bunch of people, [i]leaves the room[/i] and comes back.
So in case you are in a similar situation in the future-- if some guy with a pistol comes into your work or whatever and starts shooting people, just wait until he is shooting someone and then go rush him.