can you remember what it's like to care?;

Mar 23, 2008 23:21

Hey guys! No icons today so if you're not interested in my randomness you can skip this entry and come back next Sunday lol! XD First off, i wanted to thank each and everyone of you who was concerned for my health! You're way beyond awesome, thank you!!! <3 I'm feeling much much much better now, i'm back at 100 percent YAY! And i got the exams' results, it wasn't the appendix *throws confetti* but just a stomach infection so i had to take some pills for the whole week and actually now i'm just going to take the last one lol! Besides that... random talking as i announced last week and a couple of memes under the cut, if you please! :)

So, here we go! I'm so so so happy cause last Monday i got the Lostprophets' "Liberation Transmission" cd... YAYNESS!!! I'm definitely in love with it and with these guys lately. I had to order it from an italian website cause they don't have it in stores here, but on the online ones they do, awesome anyway! :D And then i took from another italian webstore "The Sufferer and The Witness" by Rise Against cause there was a special offer and i only paid 8,90 € for it! :D Which btw was my Easter present for mom and dad, yayyyy! Still speaking of music... right now i'm obsessed with Avenged Sevenfold and especially with "Afterlife", both song and video... but you see it in my next icon-post i guess *grins* :D

Two weeks ago i finished to read Eclipse (2nd sequel to Twilight) and i freaking loved it!!! <3 What an amazing book, srsly! I really found it emotional overwhelming, like everytime i was reading it i NEVER wanted to close the book again and come back to reality lol! And i have to say that even though i'm still in love with Edward Cullen (lmao), Jacob has definitely grown on me in this last book... yep yep, now i'm kinda torn between these two. (Like i was Bella, yes i wish...) And i also grew new interest in Jasper! :D The boy reminds me somehow of... myself lol! And btw, speaking of... i got stamped at stamp_twilight!!! :D Here:

Let me see, what else... ooooh yes! Randy and John tagging in last Monday!!! OMFG!!! Heavens for fangirls, lmao!!! They were so... i can't find words lol! During the backstage segment they were just going to declare their feelings for each other, i'm sure. Too bad Trip showed up and interrupted them! WORST TIMING EVER!!! XD And then the match, awww the match!!! *is currently making icons out of it* that double team on Cody was pure G R E A T N E S S!!! They should tag in more often, right??? *waves at fellows centon shippers*

I'm a satisfied tutor girl right now lol! Cause last week i was frustrated at my kid, he just couldn't seem to learn his lessons properly even though i can honestly say that i'm doing my best! And that bothers me, cause if i didn't care then okay, whatev, i get paid anyway lol but i'm really working hard with him so some good results would be very much appreciated XP and then, just the other day, he welcomed me with a huge grin on his face and told me "Guess what?! I got B+ on that history text we studied for on Monday!" AWWWW!!! I was so happy for him, and for me lol! YAYNESS!!!!!! Then to celebrate it next afternoon i went out and bought myself a chocolate ice cream cone lol! Yummy! :D

During this week (but especially yesterday afternoon actually) i've been working on a drawing! I took it from my Diddl calendar cause i think the picture was really cute! ^^ Wanna see it?

Here's the original:

(Yes, it's decentered. Bad me. XD)

And here what i came up with:

Obviously i just drew the characters and not the background XD I think i didn't draw since at least 10 months so i'm really satisfied on how it turned out! :)

And i think that's all for now...! I can't believe that in two months it will be my birthday again! Yes, there are still two months i know, but time is really flying! Am i excited about it? Well yes cause i'm just a kid when it comes down to bdays lol but i'm also a little 'worried' because time just goes on and i'm scared of so many things that i still have to face... but that's not the right time now, so we'll think about it in some other entries lol... we still have 2 months! XD So now i'll leave you with a couple of memes i collected during the past 2 weeks:

1) Snagged from innersmile_x:

Spy Meme
Comment here and I will screencap anything off my computer for you!

2) Userpics meme

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick three of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

skydagger chose:

1) Oh well. XD What can i say about that?!?! It's obviously Shannon's back (or it's just obvious to me? lmao) and besides the fact that since a couple of months i'm obsessed with the Reject as you (poor you) already know... i honestly have to say that i'm obsessed with his backside too. LMAO yes it's true. And okay, this is a screencap, but i really have to say that everytime he gets pinned, the photographers over at always take the pic from that good side so... THANK YOU. [/fangirling]

2) Well this icon is just perfect for when i shamelessly fangirl! *points at topic above* I'm not a huge fan of Extreme Exposé even though i have honestly nothing against these girls; i know that a lot of people 'hate' them but in general i don't have strong dislikes, especially against divas. I'm okay with them, i mean, i always think that i'm nobody to judge them or what they do so it's okay with me lol. I'm not sure if i'm making sense XD But anyway i liked Brooke better from the trio and she, of course, was fired lol. This scene anyway made me giggle when i saw it on ECW and i thought the text fitted it perfectly so i went ahead and made it... and use it for the same reason, lol.

3) I have no clue on why you chose this one, Sammeh! :D Okay, now i have to make a shocking revelation. The first wrestler i ever saw and liked... wasn't Randy, but... CHRISTIAN! He was in a match on SD! against Batista in the summer of 05 and i liked him so... i tuned in the next week lol! Then when i started to watch Raw i liked Edge too, but unfortunately i never saw them 'live' as a tag team! I just saw random videos (courtesy of someone *winkwink*) and they're such dorks lol! :D I made this icon from one of the flashbacks during the special Raw episode a few months ago and i love it! :D

c ya next week! :)

my life, userpics meme, twilight

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