Nov 21, 2002 06:32
After much needed rest, I believe my feet have forgiven me. Although they don't forgive you.
::points at Lorelai::
Dean, he's forgiven me too. He's a lot tougher then the feet were. I crawled up his tree, even with the sore feet, the other evening to apologize to him. He was all pouty and cute and I dragged myself inside and rambled on about how much I love him and how much he means to me and how Jess means nothing. And I mean every word of it. I do love him.
And then I gave him lots of kisses to prove it.
Oh! And Lane, go on with your bad self sista.
We were in Doosie's market the other day when she started to squeal.
"Lane, are you ok?"
"Oh my god. Oh my god, Rory. That's him. That's Dave," she gushed.
"Oh. Oh! Well, go on over and talk to him. You are in the same band."
"Right. Ok. Come with me."
So, I got to meet Dave. Quite the catch. Nice guy. I can't wait to hear the band. I really want to hear them. Maybe if Taylor has some sort of festival for one of these upcoming holidays we're having they can play it.
I don't know, it's just an idea.
Oh, I have to go. Lorelai is driving me to school early because Paris is having some sort of emergency meeting for some student council crisis that really isn't a crisis but she's Paris so it's expected.