May 09, 2003 01:31
I can't believe it. I am not the going out type girl and here I am going to out and I miss the birth of Sookie's babies. Sure, I was trying to help Madeline and Louise cheer up Paris over the whole Harvard thing... or lack of Harvard thing, and I miss the whole thing. THE WHOLE THING.
I'm just so sorry. Sookie, really, I'm sorry I wasn't there. But I've gone to see them like a zillion times and they're so precious and I can't wait til they're home and I can help out with them and loan them my Harvard stuff, or even Yale stuff. Maybe one will go to Harvard and the other to Yale. That'd be great. I'll help them with their homework and make sure they listen to really good music.
Speaking of school, wow it's almost over with. Yes, Harvard was my #1 choice my entire life, but I think I might go with Yale. Yale just seemed better when I made a Pro/Con list. I made several Pro/Con lists actually. Lorelai made one too. We've knocked over several forests to make these lists and each time it was Yale. As much as I didn't want it to be, it was. It's kindof a relief. To know for sure.
The whole Dean/Jess situation is a mess. I've been spending time with Dean again. Just a little bit. Here and there. It's going really well... so I guess that mess thing is a lie, except that Jess is still in my head. All invading-like. But today I got a postcard from Jess. He ran off with his father. I didn't even know his father was here! Why didn't he tell me or introduce me or... I don't know.
Luke didn't even mention it. Which brings me to yet another topic. The weirdness between Luke and my mother. The smiling. Giggling. Lack of sarcasm. What's going on there?
And last but not least, my dear friend Lane. Held hostage in her own home as usual. I've been planning a little bit to break you out of jail for some fun times. I think you'll like it. So will Dave. He helps with the plotting.