this picture makes me smile. i love these girls...we always have fun
when we're together, and we're not very often. i wish we could all hang
out more - like all the girls in the class. i especially wanna hang out
with LeighAnn more. i just think we need to have a big slumber party.
that's it, i'm gonna plan one, soon. very soon.
i feel so...blah. today was the worst i've felt in a looonnngg time, so
i got to come home a little early and sleep for a while. i felt better
then. i think i just need to go back to sleep. that's the best medicine.
halfway through the week...2 more days til friday. yay! this weekend will be fun! 3 days off!!
so much could be changing at any moment now. i'm feeling pretty
helpless i guess you could say. like i'm just waiting around to find
out. God knows what He's doing. i need to just trust Him. and by doing
that i need to stop worrying. if i'm worried then i'm not really
trusting that He's in control of everything. and He IS. always. He's
got the whole world in His hands.