Apr 20, 2005 21:34
So I got a collect letter today. It’s like a collect call
but it’s hand-written.
I went downstairs today to pick up my mail and J.P. hands me a
letter that has a stamp on it that says “postage due on delivery” in place of a
stamp. I owed 37 cents for postage for a letter that someone else sent me.
I didn’t know that you could even legally do
that. Evidently Liz can. The letter was an invitation for a party that
I can’t
even go to. *gives disaproving look toward Liz (but not really)* But
It's totally fine, I've just never experienced this kind of friendship
taxation before.
I’ve had a sore throat since Saturday *sad face* although I
guess at I’m not doing as badly as Allie (see earlier entries) She’s almost
stopped breathing entirely a few times in the past couple of weeks due to
swelling in her throat. It’s really terrible. She’s spending much of her last weeks in college sleeping
upright in a hospital. Luckily she's fine now though, hopefully she’ll be back on
campus sometime next week. She won’t have tonsils anymore but she will still have mono (something about
bad things happening to good people). I kind of feel like an ass though because
I go back on forth between feeling unbelievably sorry for Allie, and unbelievably
jealous of Ryan.
What can I say, half of me is still in high school.
Info on NFA still to come: America's greatest minds will be attmempting to discover how AK-Rowdy Rowdy can stay so Bout-It Bout-It