Title: Rara avis The tale of a good woman part 13: Heart of stone.
Genre: Drama, Romance
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Walter Kovacs, Walter/OC, OC
Summary: They get in a bit of argument.
July 1960
Betty and Phyllis had moved into a two bedroom apartment in May. Walter and Phyllis’s new flame Roy had helped. Sometimes Walter would come over when only Betty was home. This was one of those nights. They’d eaten together at the little ugly Formica table. Made love on Betty’s single bed with the radio turned up, to prevent the steady sound of the mattress creaking from reaching the downstairs neighbors. Now they sat, he was fully clothed again she was in her nightgown. on the moth eaten sofa which Roy had acquired from some dubious source. Walter was reading The Big Sleep. Betty leaned against reading a review of the musical Phyllis was in.
She began to read aloud: “…Newcomer Phyllis O’Shay is bold, brassy and perfect for the role…”
“Mmmmm…” He grunted.
“Don’t you care?” She said.
“No. I don’t like Phyllis.” He said.
“I know that...I just hope you could try for me.” She pleaded.
“She doesn’t try to like me.” He said.
Betty sighed. “I think she’s made an effort. And you haven’t.”
“Why should I?” He said.
“Because.. You love me.” She said.
He looked at her grimly. “I don’t try, I love you but I can’t pretend to like someone for you.”
“Alright.” She sighed. “My parents called. They want us to visit soon.”
“I can’t. I have work.” He said.
“I’m sure they’d let you have a weekend.” She said.
“You visit them.” He said.
“They want to meet you…” She sounded agitated. “You are my fiancé now.”
She wondered when they’d actually get married. He hadn’t even talked about planning a wedding since he proposed to her.
“They aren’t your real parents.” He said.
She glared at him, and raised her hand to slap him. She put her hand down immediately and turned away from him. She was crying now, hot angry tears.
“They’re good as! They’ve done so much for me Walter! They love me! And you can’t even bother to unbend a little just to spend a weekend with them!” She cried.
He didn’t like seeing her cry, when she did, she became an ugly wet red thing. He wished he could stop it. Yelling at her wouldn’t work. Neither would stony silence. He just wanted to read his book. She’d been crying a lot lately. He wondered why exactly. But maybe it was woman thing. Something he shouldn’t pry into to much. He had wanted to live his life without comprise. If he never visited the Fishes, he knew he’d lose Betty. And the idea of living without her silly smile, her kiss, her arms, her goodness. Made him feel sick and hurt inside. So he had too. He could live through it.
Betty knew he didn’t mean to cruel. But that didn’t make hurt less. How could not understand about the Fishes? Hadn’t anyone but her shown him kindness, that could be repaid in love? She doubted it. But that didn’t excuse what he said… everything these days made her so angry or sad. She didn’t know why. She just felt so emotional. But she couldn’t stop crying.
She felt his hand on her shoulder.
“Fine. I’ll go. We can probably make it up there next month right?” He asked
She turned back to him, a weak watery smile on her lips. “Yes. That’s lovely.”
She leaned over and kissed him. Her face still wet from tears. But she had stopped crying. He kissed her back. And in a little while, he had taken her hand and was leading her back to the bed room. To try to communicate his feelings in a way where words failed him.
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