Люди и судьбы. Сондиана в психологическом консультировании | Бермант-Полякова Ольга Викторовна, Романова Илона Евгеньевна Table of contents
You have read a digest of an amazing book written by two professional psychotherapists, Olga Bermant-Polyakova Ph.D. and Ilona Romanova Ph.D. The original text is entitled "People and Fates. Szondiana in Psychological Counseling".
A ponderous volume in Russian, introducing a comprehensive system named non-classical szondiana, was published in Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, in February 2017. The original edition in Russian is available on the and the
Below is the table of contents translated into English:
The talent to understand people. - On family psychodiagnostics. - Two psychotherapists.
Section 1. Observance Training
Introduction. The book isn't written like an academic monograph, why so?
Chapter 1.1. Non-classical szondiana
Psychological diagnosis. - The ideas of Leopold Szondi. - Szondiana. - The role of szondiana in one's understanding of himself. - The place of szondiana in the system of psychological knowledge.
Chapter 1.2. Forming the concepts according to the cluster principle
The associations with the word 'bread'. - On meals and drinks. - Acting and sublimating. - Needs in one chord. - The cluster principle. - Where does soul indwell? - Intersubjective approach.
Chapter 1.3. Few words about tempo-rhythm
The case about mother-daughter relationship. - The case about taciturn guy. - The case about unhappy workaholic. - The case about overtiring communication. - What can be done if you are different? - Tempo-rhythm. - Time-line.
Chapter 1.4. Few words about children
Psychodrama vignette. - Sagacity with children's toys. - The first six months of baby's life. - Tastes differ. - The smell of sweet home.
Chapter 1.5. Few words about family
Sociological researches of the family. - Functions of the family. - Family, school, and the streets. - The state. - Social marginality. - Psychiatric researches of the family.
Chapter 1.6. 98 key ideas of non-classical szondiana
Drawing the szondiana scheme. - Eight clusters of unconscious needs. - Table 1. Key ideas for unconscious needs. - Szondiana and the length of the professional experience. - Two examples. - Tempo-rhythm of any occupation. - Which passion will take over? - Once in a lifetime. - Direction of being.
Chapter 1.7. Szondiana and multiple intelligences
Living in society. - Employment. - Family and society. - The quintessence of non-classical szondiana. - Table 2. Psychic functioning, multiple intelligences according to Howard Gardner and non-classical szondiana.
Chapter 1.8. How powerful needs and deliberate choices are guiding someone's fate: m
A genius of sociability. - About the hy+-m+ chord. - The life of the entrepreneur. - Intrapersonal intelligence. - Few words about sensitivity. -'Intelligent'-minded and -affiliated. - A bit of some social psychology.
Chapter 1.9. How powerful needs and deliberate choices are guiding someone's fate: h
Verbal-linguistic intelligence. - The life of the poetess. - The life of the priest. - Emotional burst out. - Activities executed by h+ needs. - More on needlework, knitting, and handmade dolls.
Chapter 1.10. How powerful needs and deliberate choices are guiding someone's fate: s
Psychological problems found in the h domain. - Bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence. - The life of the wrestler. - Psychological problems found in the s domain: apathy. - Where does need s appear: endurance. - Psychological problems found in the s domain: denial.
Chapter 1.11. Various needs in one cord
Key ideas for s need. - About the s+e chord. - Neuropsychological problems found in the s domain: ADHD. - Psychological problems found in the s domain: powerless need and self-defeating behavior. - Hunting and fishing.
Chapter 1.12. How powerful needs and deliberate choices are guiding someone's fate: k
Russian abacus. - Economics and psychology. - Logical-mathematical intelligence. - Key ideas for k+ need. - Exercises.
Chapter 1.13. How powerful needs and deliberate choices are guiding someone's fate: e
Key ideas for e- need. - Psychological problems found in e- domain. - About misanthropes. - Tempo-rhythm of e need.
Chapter 1.14. How powerful needs and deliberate choices are guiding someone's fate: p
Procrastination. - Musical-rhythmic intelligence. - Interpersonal intelligence. - The life of the conductor. - The family of a math professor. - About the e p+ chord. - About the hy+p+ chord. - Psychological problems s+p. - Psychological problems h p+.
Chapter 1.15. How powerful needs and deliberate choices are guiding someone's fate: d
Naturalistic intelligence. - Night Brocard. - On the similarity of oil and tar. - A chest. - The icebreaker.
Chapter 1.16. Overflowed with information
'Scanners' and 'divers'. - Collecting and hoarding. - On a diving line. - The library. - News flow.
Chapter 1.17. How powerful needs and deliberate choices are guiding someone's fate: hy
Where has hy+ been gone? - The diamond Prince. - Visual-spatial intelligence. - The Soviet couturier. - The life of the intelligence agent. - Event-limited mind.- Psychological problems found in the hy domain.
Practicum on materials of Section 1
Ten questions for self-check. - Quiz 'At the dacha'.
Section 2. Sagacity Training
Chapter 2.1. The standard case
The next day morning. - Group dynamics according to Bion. - The standard case. - The standard case analysis. - The point of intervention.
Chapter 2.2. Therapeutic metaphors
Therapeutic target. - Therapeutic tactic. - Getting started. - The case about the lack of tenderness in the husband. - The case about soft lover. - Therapeutic metaphors and non-classical szondiana.
Chapter 2.3. Discussions about styles of attachment
A variety of norm's representations. - About mentalization. - The case about sticky mother. - Discussions about styles of attachment. - Attachment theory and non-classical szondiana.
Chapter 2.4. The fate of the adventurous men
Another look at the family. - Few words about the spousal life. - Worldview from the graveyard. - The fate of the adventurous men. - Mnemonics.
Chapter 2.5. Family heritage
The lawyer's wit. - The fate of the men of principles. - The fate of the highly skilled men.
Chapter 2.6. Finding the right place in the sun
The Ural land. - The dragoman and the chief. - The fate of the generous soul. - Table 3. The distribution of different family structures among Russian online volunteers, 2016. - The fate supports a wishful and drags an unwilling one. - People and fates.
Chapter 2.7. Sagacity practicum
Metallic cupholder for trains' passengers. - Singer's sewing machine. - The first cosmonaut in the world. - The Millennium of Ancient Russ christening. - Togetherness of the souls.
Chapter 2.8. A circular genogram
Family structure. - The example of a circular genogram. - Rule of genotropism (kins attraction). - The types of difficulties. - Too intimate. - The choice between art and career. - Leningrad's research school. - The stimulus model of the situation. - The struggle with the evil forces tempting a family member. - The accumulation of positive qualities.
Chapter 2.9. Family myths
Milan's research school. - We are unanimous family. - We are rescue workers. - We are heroes. - We are successful people. - We are human beings. - Systemic family therapy and non-classical szondiana.
Practicum on materials of Section 2
Ten questions for self-check. - Quiz 'At the wedding'.
Section 3. Training on Family Counseling
Chapter 3.1. Intrapersonal difficulties: deficit
The last day morning. - The son of two writers. - Nephew (case). - Their cross to bear (case).
Chapter 3.2. Intrapersonal difficulties: unclaimed
A bishop-surgeon. - How not to become a rock-star (case). - Used up (case).
Chapter 3.3. Intrapersonal difficulties: one's façade
Without kinsfolk. - The rich case. - The rich case analysis. - The line of child - parent relationship. - The line of the family system. - The line of Unhappen. - What other lines can be found in the rich case? - The point of worldview.
Chapter 3.4. Szondiana and psychologists
What may non-classical szondiana contribute to the psychological practice? - The role of diagnosis in counseling. - One more example on tempo-rhythm. - One more example of fate. - One more example on self-realization domain (system, milieu, family, street).
Chapter 3.5. Theoretical speculations
Non-classical szondiana and business counseling according to Rozin. - Group dynamics according to Beck and Cowan. - Non-classical szondiana and theories of intelligence. - Table 4. Stages in cognitive development according to Jean Piaget and non-classical szondiana. - Picture 8. Modalities of multiple intelligences according to Howard Gardner and non-classical szondiana. - Non-classical szondiana and theories of motivation. - Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. - Picture 9. Non-classical szondiana needs mapped inside the pyramid. - Typological model of motivation according to Vladimir Gerchikov. - When loneliness is unbearable.
Chapter 3.6. To summarize
Subsystem, system, above-system. - The family of People? - About 'system-vector psychology'. - The gelded szondiana.
Chapter 3.7. About nerds
When society's hierarchical games are uninteresting. - Interpersonal difficulties. - When maintaining of relationship is not interesting. - When people's world doesn't matter.
Chapter 3.8. Mutual projective identification
Coffee-break. - Psychological defenses and mindful choice. - Projective identification. - Mutual projective identification. - The case about the fourth attempt to divorce.
Chapter 3.9. Interpersonal trauma
When the desire is completely off-putting. - The case about divorce burnout. - The case about parent's re-marriage. - Interpersonal trauma. - Why do needs become switched off (powerless)? - The aspiring case. - The aspiring case analysis.
Chapter 3.10. 'The family of sub-personalities' technique
Love triangle. - 'The family of sub-personalities' technique. - Conducting the inquiry. - Where is the money? (case). - Where are the grandparents? (case). - Where is kinship? (case).
Chapter 3.11. Divorce
The feeling of being affiliated. - Children after parents' divorce. - When is your feeling of togetherness particularly strong? - Experiencing the family togetherness. - Conflicting affiliations. - Conflicting loyalties. - The conflict of affiliation and loyalty. - Emotional detachment within the family.
Chapter 3.12. Eight levels of psychodiagnostics
Psychodiagnostic ideas, apprehended by discerning. Levels 1 - 4. - Psychodiagnostic ideas, apprehended by reasoning. Levels 5 - 8. - The fate and the freedom. - Psychological counseling for families: intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup difficulties. - The nice case.
Chapter 3.13. Interpersonal difficulties: my family and me
You have to choose a serious profession. - To be a psychologist (case). - The affaire (case). - To overcome the emptiness and start over. - To renounce and forget.
Chapter 3.14. Intergroup disagreements
The soldier created an automatic weapon. - A few literature pieces.
Practicum on materials of Section 3
Ten questions for self-check. - Quiz 'At the faculty '.
Feedback from the training participants. -Gratitude addressed to the trainers. - Authors' gratitude.
List of Appendixes
A foreword about social classes in Russia in XVIII-XIX centuries. - General description of all applications to the monograph.
Appendix i Biographies
Appendix 1.1. The fate of the ballerina: will and hard work. Galina Ulanova.
Appendix 1.2. Vasyli Dmitrievich Polenov: life curves.
Appendix 1.3. Ul'ianov (Lenin)'s family: social lifts.
Appendix 1.4. Stalin's daughter S.I. Allilueva.
Appendix 1.5. M.E. Piatnitski: going on with the song.
Appendix 1.6. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov: the secrets of Ural storyteller's biography.
Appendix 1.7. Vera and Boris Rauschenbach.
Appendix 1.8. Ivan Petrovich Kulibin and his descendants. The fate of the inventor.
Appendix 1.9. The enterprise of Isaak Singer: inventor, actor, and adventurer.
Appendix 1.10. The family of Mikhail Sholokhov. Sholokhovs and Gromoslavskies.
Appendix 1.11. Alexander Romanovich Luria.
Appendix 1.12. The descendants of Alexander Stepanovich Popov.
Appendix 1.13. The most famous patrons of the Russian Empire and Russian Federation.
Appendix ii Examples from the Workshop Verbatim
Appendix 2.1. The choice of occupation as a manifestation of powerful needs.
Appendix 2.2. 'The family of sub-personalities' technique. Examples of the three generations.
Appendix 2.3. 'The family of sub-personalities' technique. Examples of the two generations.
Appendix 2.4. 'The family of sub-personalities' technique. Examples of detachment.
Appendix iii How do various needs work along with the lifespan: neuropsychological aspects
Appendix 3.1. How do needs work in the early years of life?
Appendix 3.2. Growing up. How do children wise up?
Appendix 3.3. Aging. When the eldest men behave like toddlers.
Appendix 3.4. The nervous child.
Appendix iv Mores and practices: sketches from nature
Appendix 4.1. Rural dwellers and calculations.
Appendix 4.2. Revelry and miserliness.
Appendix 4.3. The life of artists.
Appendix 4.4. Riotous people.
Appendix 4.5. The artisan wood production.
Appendix 4.6. The guild of diggers.
Appendix 4.7. Street mores.
Appendix 4.8. Text illustrations of erotic and sexual experiences (with comments of the authors of the book).
Appendix 4.9. Russian bathhouse.
Appendix 4.10. Russian stove.
Appendix 4.11. V.I. Dal. The soul.
Appendix 4.12. The art of coiffure.
Appendix 4.13. Household and body cleanliness.
Appendix 4.14. Leather.
Appendix 4.15. Coal and tar.
Appendix 4.16. The inventory of merchant's dowry.
Appendix 4.17. About the furs.