I'm sorely tempted to shave my head. I fancy a change, and I know without a doubt that this will make me look like Van Zan from Reign of Fire, and not a terminally ill patient.
Shame I just missed comic relief, would've been a perfect excuse.
Feel free to post here with comments about how awesome an idea this is and how sexy I will look.
On a related note, I've applied for a new job down in Folkestone with the police. It's a civilian position (External Investigator, basically crime-scene grunt work), but it sounds interesting, is better paid than my current position, and it's a foot in the door. Police recruit from their civy staff before opening positions to the public, so I'll be in a stronger position.
Unfortunately this means I should probably delay the thug-life haircut until I have the job. *sadface*
Oh, and there's an awesome gym down in Folkestone. Lots of funky equipment (eg. monolifts, chains, farmer's walk, atlas balls), olympic medal winner members, plays metal, and seems to be the polar opposite to the shitty "lifestyle gyms" that you see everywhere.
I had a wander round Canterbury last weekend, checking out the other gyms here. My god, they're dire; rows and rows of exercise bikes with fat people ineffectively pedaling away while watching Neighbours on the banks of televisions. The weights section? One bench and a set of dumbells. The mind boggles. One of the gyms had a KFC right next to it.
I've played Themepark; that's good business sense right there.