Must control...muderous impulses....must vent seething rage...

Nov 11, 2006 21:49

I think only a couple of people who read my lj will understand what I'm about to talk about. I'm talking about the back area of the library. This is a tiered study area, and it's several stories. You can see Prince philip drive from it. it is a very open space. And there are rules to it. No chatting on cell phones, no talking, no whispering, no laptops (except on the last two floors). The cell phone rule is not strictly followed at all. Some people don't seem to know how to find the vibrate setting on cell-phone. Or they don't care. Or they never take the time to think that maybe it's disruptive to people trying to study. But this I can live with, as it is not constant. What I have trouble dealing with is the constant whispering conversations. Don't people realize that there are other people there? That having to hear these little whispering conversations makes concentration quite difficult? Some people say that I shouldn't get too wound up. That these people just don't think about these things. That's the problem. At best, this behaviour is inconsiderate, at worst, just plain rude. And it's not as if there aren't plenty of study rooms where people can study and talk. They just don't use them. I've overheard conversations go on-and-off for over an hour. No security walks by and tells them to be quiet. If their going to be quiet, I have to tell them myself. However, I don't like confrontation. I am not very self-confident. And I shouldn't have to tell them to be quiet in the first place. I am beginning to think that I live in an age where people care less and less about manners and could give two shits about how their behavior affects the person next to them. I don't claim to be perfect, but I try to not be an asshole. I don't chatter about in class, I don't talk in the study area (except for something I might mutter every couple hours or so), and on the rare occasion I take my cell with me to the library, I turn it off or I put in on low vibrate. Oh yeah, and I turn it OFF when I'm in class.

Whew. I feel a little better now. Not happy or anything, but I'm not gonna explode at anybody.
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