uwaaaaaaaaaaaa....i didnt manage to do anything to celebrate ueda's bday!!!! blame on my ASSingments~~~~ >.>
and, this week, ermm...i guess i feel so free w/o any hw!!!!hohohoho. but still, have quizzes (need to do revision)...OTL
anyway...this post will focus on our KAT-TUN no U~~UEDA TATSUYA!!!!!!
so, i want to wish..HAPPY belated belated belated BIRTHDAY, UEPI!!!!! hope, u will dont wear wig HOPE U WILL HAVE A BLAST LIFE AND HAVE SOMEONE TO TAKE CARE OF U~~=p
here are some gifs i make for ueda-kun!!!! no bald ueda's gifs~~~i didnt hv any vid which he is bald.
lets introduce...
~~FAVOURITE MOMENT in water dance perf~~
~~just random gifs~~
finally, i can make something for ueda~~~~
maaaa....i cant wait for UEDA'S DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pic is not mine
OMG!!!!!HE'S SO HOT in that drama!!!!!!and....i like the plot but i keep my expectation low bcoz i dont want to feel down if the drama is soo soo.. XDD
jyaaaa....mata ne~~~
luv u ueda!!!!!