Nov 17, 2005 15:49
*wow...what a year can do..... i cant belive i have been out of the closet for nearly 2 years now.... oh how things have changed... i just read all of my past enteries back from janurary... i dont even feel like that same person.... i was kinda out of control... i mean... i didnt even know who i was or what i wanted...switching from random boy to boy...thinking that that gave 2 shits about me for more than 2 months..haha... now im all about myself...improving my own life..and getting what i want.... here i sit, at graham hospital school of nursing...typing this.... a senior in college...getting ready to be done with my 7th semester, and soon on to my last.... and graduating nearly 6 months away from today...and be an just shocks me.... i mean..REALLLLL responsiblity of peoples' lives, of medications, no teachers watching, not a student anymore....gradschool.... ahhhhh...RENT, BILLS, INCOME!!!! its all overwhelming.... Soon, I will be appartment shopping.... and furniture shopping.... I cant wait.... May 21 is the big move to Chicago day.... Im just flooded w/ emotions right now... of how to feel, what to think.... I want to work, settle down....but still be young, hip, and fun.... I want to envyed...but still be Ronnie... I want to be beautiful...but still down to earth....
*Looking back on those old posts i learned a lot about myself.... about my drinking habits and party habits.... I all about having a good time...but wow, can we say a lil out of control? haha...i guess that im mild compared to many people..but still.. i have matured a ton since then... im not that twinky little bitch that i was then...Im new...
*Im ready for adventure...ready for excitement.... ready for change... Peoria can no longer house me... Im trapped and want out... Its like... I can feel my parol date just around the corner...but there is still so much left to do before it gets here... There are so many things i need to accomplish before the time comes.... i.e. saving money, graduating, passing boards, buying a blackberry, more sophisticated wardrobe, cutting ties w/ people, helping my parents prepare to move, graduation speech, class funraising,,,,etc.... Im open to help with any of the forementioned items ;).... well i guess i should go for now...this prolly wont make much sense bc i have been at school since 745 am doing flu shots...and writing a paper since this was my "break"....back to work now i suppose... hope u all are and hugs always...
**** ronnie ***