Doctor Who!

Jun 15, 2008 09:55

This entry is going to simply be one of Doctor Who because it's the best continuous and geeky thing in my life at the moment...unless you count Scott.

Number one, in the New York Times there was an article about Russel T Davies. It was interesting and really focuses on gay things and pushing the boundries. It was interesting.

I will be a little sad to see him go just because he did such a good job, but I'm very very excited for Steven Moffat who is one of my favorite writers of all time. It's interesting how originally he did comedy but his episodes on Doctor Who (Blink, Girl in the Fireplace, The Library episode, The Empty Child episodes)are very dark. It'll be interesting to see which side he will be on for the most part when he takes over. I really hope he just does some silly ones at some point. I know he would be brilliant.

When I went home I managed to snag a free month of netflix and I immediately got old Doctor Who dvds. I've gotten only Tom Baker at this point. It's a little bit of a let down from the new series in my opinion. Of course it's very corny which can be fun, but it's a very slow show. Much too long to have slow things slowly chasing one of the other characters. And for the most part, the episodes aren't very memorable. For instance, me and Scott were watching one story arc and then we turned it off. When we were going to turn it back on, we couldn't remember what had happened. We knew vaguely but couldn't pinpoint where it ended.

However, being the brilliant person that I am, I just looked up what episodes that Douglas Adams wrote and luckily, there are 3 different stories of his on netflix that I have just added. That is going to be very fun. ^_^I'm going to bump them up in the queue.

While I was home, I watched a little Doctor Who with my family and got them hooked. My uncle watched it and quite liked it and my cousin as well, who loved it. My cousin actually used to watch it with his dad when he was younger so it made him very nostalgic. He even called me a few days ago to tell me that he's absolutely hooked and loves ten. ^_^ When I mentioned it to my friend Lix, she told me that I seem to do that a lot. Squee. I heart Who.

And, who is ready for next weeks episode? *Raises hand frantically*

[/end of very geeky post]
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