I`m alive

Sep 29, 2006 16:54

I`m sure you all know that I`m alive, but in case you were wondering...yeah I`m here. I have had one of the hardest weeks in my life, but I think I can see me coming out of it very soon which is such a relief. I do still have some friends here so I`m feeling a bit better about it all.

All of the other exchange student`s I`ve met so far are Chinese. There is one Australian, but he isn`t back in Hakodate yet, he`s visiting Sapporo. Hopefully he speaks English...well, he`d have to wouldn`t he? Duh. Anyway, all of the Chinese students seem to stick together like some weird gang and will not talk to me, and they do not understand english and they keep the key to the room and it just pisses me off. Anyhoo, that and feeling like I`m completely overwhelmed and immensly stupid has kinda been the theme of this week. I have been so down that I just wanted to turn around and go home...I even had nightmares all last night about it. I felt terrible and cried all the time, which is so unlike me. I know I have to be strong and just ganbare, but when you are all alone, it`s really really hard. I wish someone else had come with me. Curse you exchange and me being the only one!

I have jet lag worse than I`ve ever had in my entire life and a really sore throat and a dry nose, and my tummy has been really bad. So a bad week all in all. None of my friends were around, or at least willing to meet with me, which really isn`t fair on my part as they are all really busy some with last year prep and picking classes and all that.

Today at least I feel like I accomplished something. I met Yusuke and together we went to city hall and applied for my alien registration. First we had to get photos taken and then we went to Mr. Donut and then took the streetcar to city hall. I think that it`s telling that I knew where city hall was and Yusuke didn`t.

Anyway that`s done although it will take a loooong time to process it...almost a month! So I cannot buy a cell phone until I have it, so I`m going to rent one...it`s not that cheap, but I need something! I have my phone number already, and it is (in case anyone wants to call me....I think there are free incoming calls)

From Canada: +81-09-8070-2786
From Japan: 090-8070-2786
e-mail (very short ones!) renta2786@c.vodafone.ne.jp

I`ll have that tomorrow evening so feel free to drop me a line.

Things can only get better...I hope!

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