Title: Sentire (8/9)
Author: Ella Jane
Characters: Nine/Rose, Jack
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Series Rating: NC-17
Timeline: AU from The Doctor Dances
A/N: I have learned so many things over the last week or so, not the least of which is that I might not have the stomach to post a multi-part series again! I have LOVED reading all of your comments, but I am
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I want to emphasize that I've found this a well-written and very engaging story overall, but I have had trouble believing Nine would leave Rose in the state he did, unless touching/contacting her would just make it worse. I'm relieved to see it moving in that direction, and am looking forward to the ending now. (Well, not really the ending, but the next chapter, if you know what I mean!)
And I loooove your icon. There are so many of that moment, but it's usually him that gets cropped out there, and this really gets both of their expressions so well.
And since you mentioned it, I shall pimp icons-of-isis, who made almost all of the icons I have used in this series. I simply LOVE Nine in black and white, and these are fantastic.
Yeah, I'm convinced that mugshot scene in Bad Wolf is there simply because his bone structure is so incredible. It shows up more sharply in black and white, and since his eyes are so light, you don't lose that much of the colour impact.
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