Title: Sentire (7/9)
Author: Ella Jane
Characters: Nine/Rose, Jack
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Series Rating: NC-17
Timeline: AU from The Doctor Dances
A/N: Once again, I feel a need to comment about the awesomeness of the people who are following this fic. Given that I have such a small body of work, I was never expecting the number of readers/comments I've
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Ow, that hurt. And right now, you know, I really, really dislike the Doctor. Rose is right:
"You are a self-centered bastard. All that happened is I got shoved out of my own mind for a while, all that happened is I thought I was dying, and of course, you did that, but yeah, I can wait as long as you like to find out why."
"It's not like that."
"Of course it's like that. We do everything on your time, don't we, Time Lord?" She spat out his title with bitter venom. He sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead in frustration, and realized when he looked back up at her what a mistake that was. Her eyes were wide with shock and hurt. "And I'm so sorry if my silly questions have annoyed you," she scoffed. "How stupidly human of me to expect that you'd actually tell me what I needed to know just because I asked."
Yeah. And right now I think there's no better option for her than to pack, collect Jack and for the two of them to leave and find a ship of their own to travel through time and space with.
Love? Does the Doctor even know what that means? Jack does. Jack knows it's about far more than just saying you love someone (not that the Doctor even does that); it's about showing it. He's the one who stayed to comfort and hold her. He's the one who bothered to ask if she was okay. He's the one who went and confronted the Doctor and told him, effectively, that he was out of line.
Okay *calms down* I know you've got a reason for the Doctor to be doing this. I know he's broken. But there's only so much that can be excused, and I think Rose is right to draw the line now, because he's more than stepped over it. He stepped over it the moment he left their bed, and he was damn lucky she even gave him a chance to explain and told him she still trusts him.
Yeah, you've got quite a bit of convincing to do to prove to me that the right ending for this story isn't for Rose and Jack to leave together...
Yikes! The pressure! I will do my best! Don't give up on my Nine just yet... ;)
I really cannot wait to do the post-game on this story, even if no one else finds it interesting. I'm dying to talk about this stuff, but I just can't until it's all out there! :)
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