Gloom June....

Jun 05, 2003 10:27

Overcast, cool, 60s & 70s, maybe sunshine later....This is why they call this time of the year... JUNE GLOOM.

The monotony is just deafening. Excitement level around me is like nil. Dont get me wrong, im not complaining, im just wondering when this funk will end. Otherwise, things are just hunky-dory.

Big Bro told me to be ready for Asia/China in October. Hopefully, the notorious SARS virus will be contained by then. He got our VISAS confirmed. My first stamp/visa in my new passport. Too bad i cant get a stamp from Australia or Japan first.

Yooni's Boss, Martha Stewart, is so screwed. I sent an email to Yooni, just saying: PUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAAA.....

Apparently, a friend of mine sent me a Friendster invite thingy. I think im a tad older than the majority of the folks there. The funny thing is, my friend said she knows like 50something people on there. (shrug) I know 2. Wooopiieeeeee...(rollin eyes)... Is this how young folks interact now? Troll around the sites, and do drive-by random email greetings and hook ups??

My buddy JD just got a new thursday nite gig. Oy...thursday nite outtings are brutal. Cant hang any more. Then again, i cant hang on weekend nites either.

This may sound strange/weird, but i have YET to watch ONE episode of American Idol. This season or Last season. Whats the hype all about? And why does everyone like that Fluffy Ruben rather than the skinny hakujeen Clay dude?? Im so outtve it.

My gym has so many characters there. It makes working out a lot more enjoyable. Im at the point where i see a lotta regulars. Some of my favorites include:

1. DOOFUS GUY: Looks like Jerry Lewis w/ Beaver like choppers, and loves flexing in front of the mirrors.

2. JIGGLE GIRL: Lil shorty about 5'2ish, 130#...She likes to wear sports bra type tops that show off her well as her belly folds. She's there all the time, but she looks the same. (Shrug) The best is when she perspires, and the sweat glistens off her belly & gets all shiny and looks like she's wearing a weight belt.

3. HOOD DUDE: Fella ALWAYS wears a CAP or pulls his HOODED sweatshirt over his head, while working out. Dunno why? Figure he just doesnt like exposing his head.

4. DARK CRYSTAL: Looks like that character in that old animated flick from the 80s.. anyhow...she works out hard...and gives you a cold vibe like: WTF are you looking at!?

Its only 10:30, and im starving. Me thinks i'll go out for lunch later. Tired of eating here in office, or anywhere w/in a 5 mile radius. Maybe J-Town for some Katsu Curry or something.
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