My Final Goodbye To Chelsea

Feb 01, 2010 15:22

via text (since all she does is reject my calls when I have something to say):

It's the same pattern over and over again. You go away, a couple days later we talk, you say lots of nice things and that you're happy, then out of nowhere a day or two after that you back out, get angry again, and leave. Why? I didn't do anything wrong. You told me to think about us with the space and you specifically asked me what I thought about. This is ridiculous. How can you keep changing so much? I'm not the one doing anything wrong. I know it. It's this stupid pattern where you care then hate me. All you've done is hurt me, make me sad and angry and confused. You haven't supported me or been there for me at all. But I have, i've been trying. I couldn't be hurting you when i haven't been talking to you and when we did I was nice and supportive. You have no control over me anymore. I don't need this hurt anymore. I actually was trying to offer you more, you offered and gave me nothing. I'm tired of being pushed around and taken advantage of. I want someone who's nice to me, cares about me, will be there for me. You've given me none of that and i've tried and offered it to you. So forget it. I'm done now. I don't need this or you anymore.

she texted back saying "i dn hate you"

i said

Do or dont? Either way all you do is play games with my head and hurt me. I'd rather spend my time loving someone that will love me back.

You did change chelsea but it wasn't because of me. You used to be independent and happy, driven and focused. Then senior year you changed because you got influenced by your friends and still are. You have been a worse person since february but that's not on me. That's because you stopped thinking for yourself or trying. You haven't been the girl I fell in love with for a long time. I tried to ignore it and have hope it would be ok but you pushed and pushed and let go of everything that was special with us.
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