blushing all the way home [ao no exorcist]

Jul 01, 2011 03:46

Title: blushing all the way home
Author: riouu
Length: 1914 words.
Fandom: Ao no Exorcist.
Pairing: Amaimon/Moriyama Shiemi.
Warnings: A small kiss.
Summary: In the remains of an old sweet store, Shiemi comes face to face for the first time with he who trails in her shadow.

Shiemi is chasing ghosts again and she knows this, but she doesn’t quite want to give in and give up just yet. )

*series: ao no exorcist, ♥character: amaimon, ♥character: moriyama shiemi

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riouu July 1 2011, 05:42:53 UTC
I ship this and that from Ao no Exorcist but I'm pretty open to anything and everyone and I don't hate on any pairings, so I read almost everything I come across, aha (it's amazing how popular Yukio/Rin is). Ahh, my OTP is Fujimoto/Mephisto actually, which I know is an odd pairing but I-I just can't resist. Both characters and their relationship are really fascinating to me and I don't even care if they are/were sexually involved or not, people's takes on companionship is just lovely to see and read about though sadly there isn't much of them yet /ramble

That's comforting at least then - I worry a lot about typos and grammar mistakes. I think the higher-ups and likely most of the teachers know of Mephisto's demon ancestry and possibly a few of the more perceptive students too... (maybe they speculate on it. rumours!) It's an interesting thing to think about I guess. That they've never seen a demon with a humanoid form before is a possibility for sure, since there probably aren't that many of them.

orz. I see how it can be read that way, yeah. Your suggestion is pretty brilliant though /edits


kyogres July 1 2011, 05:54:39 UTC
Ooooh, Fujimoto and Mephisto! I thought there was something going on between them since I first read the manga. Not necessarily something sexual, but there's some type of bond there. You don't entrust your son to an acquaintance, after all. I've been hoping that the manga will touch on how they met, though at this point I would just settle for flashback scenes of them interacting.

I read a fic of the above situation a few weeks ago and have been wanting to read more ever since. And I just noticed you have one in your journal, so... :D

But where is all this mysterious "everything you come across" you speak of? I've followed the series since the manga came out, but the LJ comm is the only fandom corner I've found. (Granted, I haven't had much time to search since April.) For over a year I would rave about this series and all my friends would go "what is that?" I converted a few of them to the anime, but I still haven't found the fandom.


riouu July 1 2011, 06:16:13 UTC
Yes yes yes, exactly! c: My fujoshi side (also pixiv) brought in the more sexual aspect of it I think but I just adore what is known of their relationship and all speculation that follows because of the lack of detail regarding it. It's pretty awesome to see (speaking mostly of pixiv artists here) the different back-stories and views of their friendship or more. And oh man I would love to see some flashback interaction between them in the manga for sure. ;u; My little heart would be so filled with happy.

Ah, I think I know which one you mean if it was hosted on dreamwidth! I loved that fic, aha (my fic is apparently quite heart-breaking, as a warning).

Hmm, "everything I come across" is just...actually not that much I suppose. I can't say I've read more than 15 fics of this series. Mostly I read what shows up on the kink meme though a bunch of that is of course more porn than plot but still. I've read a few fics over on even though I'm not fond of the place, and here and there on tumblr there are short stories and drabbles - and of course I read what shows up on the livejournal community. It seems the fandom is still pretty small though - the above-mentioned fic hosted on dreamwidth is the only other Fujimoto/Mephisto-related fic I've seen except mine, haha;;;


kyogres July 1 2011, 06:39:18 UTC
Wait, I thought pixiv was mostly comprised of Japanese artists? I've always been confused on how to navigate around that site. I can read basic hiragana/katakana but don't know enough kanji to be of any use.

I'm guessing that we'll see flashbacks of them eventually. We've seen flashbacks of Shirou and Blacky, after all, and Blacky is a cat. We also saw flashbacks of Shirou and Bon's... father? I am a horrible fan. Why can't I remember his name?

Ah, the kink meme. I usually stay away from those because pure smut doesn't do much for me. At best I'll find it hilarious (I don't know why; I guess I'm still 13 in my mind) and at worst I'll be utterly bored. Smut with plot or dialogue, on the other hand, can be interesting, but it seems to be severely underrepresented.)

Edit: Just checked out the kinkmeme and why is there so much Yukio/Rin? I am baffled. Most of the series I follow tend to have a fanbase that gets squicked out at shipping distant relatives, let alone brothers. (Then again, I noticed something similar happening in the FMA fandom. Maybe it's an anime thing?)


riouu July 1 2011, 07:04:55 UTC
Yeahhh it's a bit difficult to navigate at first but once you get used to it it's not so bad. It's much easier if you have an account there too. o: And, erm. I have a huge list of Ao no Exorcist-related tags for pixiv that I should totally get around to posting somewhere some day. It's still really incomplete though so I'm on the fence with it right now.

I really do hope so~. Mephisto's an intriguing character and Shirou is just badass so I love seeing more of him, and rather mysterious and it's difficult to figure out what he's really up to sometimes; I think a flashback containing him and Shirou would be useful in helping judge his character a bit more. Suguro Tatsuma haha. I'm better with names than I am with story details orz

I hang around kink memes occasionally just because they can be fun sometimes but I agree on the whole "pure smut doesn't do much for me" thing. I enjoy rich stories though, the ones that are enticing and draw you in and you can't stop reading, and if smut fits into that then that's cool with me - I'll happily read something without smut if it's interesting enough though.

In regards to your edit; I don't entirely understand the popularity of the pairing either; myself, I see them as just brothers, pretty close ones I suppose but the whole incest thing is kind of. I don't know. I don't hugely mind it, but I prefer many many other things over it. I'm one of these people that isn't particularly disturbed by incest in fiction (it provides an interesting conflict and sometimes that can create a pretty good story if done right, you know?) but irl it's really no, yeah. The internet and fiction is a place where people can act out all their fetishes and fantasies and the risk of being found out is far lower though, so... (even then, it's surprising how many people seem to like the thought of incest. o: also, I'm not really in the FMA fandom or anything but I have seen Yukio and Rin compared to the two brothers in that series. aaa fangirls).

possibly rambling and/or making little sense. apologies.


kyogres July 1 2011, 08:21:32 UTC
You can have an account there even if you're not Japanese? I've only tried to tried one Japanese site before (Yahoo!Japan), but you needed a Japanese credit card to sign up. Even incomplete, I'm sure a list like that would be very useful!

Oh yeah, his name's Suguro... I can handle up to 10 or 12 main characters before I start losing track of people. Thanks to the Kyoto arc, I have completely forgotten most of the side characters' names. There are too many of them now!

I'm generally fine with incest in fiction; not really my thing, but I can ignore it in most cases. However, for some reason, the incest ships in FMA and AnE really bother me. Maybe it's because the characters aren't adults yet. Or maybe I'm just bitter at not being able to find many doujins of other pairings (in FMA, at least; I haven't seen any AnE doujins).


riouu July 1 2011, 08:57:28 UTC
Yep! Quite a few artists on there are Taiwanese or Chinese, and there are some who are American or English too. o: I don't think the registration is too difficult or requires a Japanese credit card, so it should be okay (I wonder where would be better to post that list - my personal journal or somewhere quieter like here..)

There's a bunch of the Kyoto arc characters that I don't know the names of still, which irks me, ahaha. Most of the Houjou family's (the snake people!!) names are unknown to me, except Mamushi because she's adorable. I think I built up a habit of remembering a lot of people's names due to reading a few sports manga, where you've got entire teams of people, ahh. There are a lot of weird names and Buddhist terms in AnE though. D:

o: Same. I have seen AnE doujinshi for sale on various Japanese doujin websites I occasionally stalk browse while holding my empty purse and feeling sad, but most of them are Yukio/Rin, yeah. D: I was pretty miffed when I went through 8 or so pages of doujinshi and only found say, 10-15 out of 150 or so doujinshi that weren't incest ship. Absolute sadface. I think a doujin was posted to the lj comm recently but it was Yukio/Rin, aah.


kyogres July 1 2011, 09:05:13 UTC
You could post it on the AnE comm. They'd probably enjoy it.. Or put it in your personal journal and link it on the comm.

All of the Buddhist terms and references go completely over my head. D:

Reminds me of when I went to a convention and tried to find One Piece doujin. Only 3 out of 50 were not Zoro/Sanji. (Granted, that's not incest, but it's one of the few One Piece pairings I'm not really into.)


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