Working hard, or hardly working.

Apr 02, 2002 10:07

I've been remiss in keeping up with my journal writing. Obviously.

So let's see what's going on with me...

My lips are chapped.

My hands hurt from ... I'm not sure what, exactly, but I am sure it has to do with moving or painting or something of that ilk.

My back hurts. Definitely from moving or painting or something of that ilk. And Brenda, my masseuse, is on vacation until Thursday. I don't know if I can wait two more days for relief! Brenda, why has thou forsaken me in my time of need? Okay, I'll stop overacting now, not to mention the blaspheming.

The moving of books and VHS tapes continues. Yeesh. I probably haven't read 75% of my books. I must rectify that in the new place in the Living Room of Reading and Culture, aka The Room with No Television.

Despite my aversion to wicker, I am considering getting one of those Pier One papasan chairs. Sue me, but they're comfy, man. I bet the cats would love one. Plus, $99, if the sale's still on.

I had an altercation with a trash can and lost, bruising my arms and forehead. Don't ask. I will just say that it wasn't pretty and that I'm glad that (as far as I know) it wasn't witnessed by anyone but me.

The living room has now been painted -- twice, since I didn't like the color the first time -- and it looks quite beautiful. I haven't taken any pictures yet since it's also filled with crap, but soon, I swear.

My bedroom ceiling has been painted -- twice, since I didn't like the color the first time -- and it looks quite beautiful. (Are you sensing a trend?)

The bathroom has been painted -- just once, since the color rocks. Forrest and Trixie and I also put together an etagere from Target, much to our collective bitching and swearing. Hint: If you see an okay-looking etagere at Target and it's been marked down to the low low price of $19.99, it's probably because it will take about $150's worth of frustration to put it together. It was worse than Ikea stuff.

Carpet has not yet been ripped out, but will be soon. Perhaps as soon as today, since heck, my hands already hurt so why bother waiting for them to feel good and then do something to make them hurt again?

I love the girl in the Burbank Lane Bryant who let me use $50 of coupons to buy $92 of stuff. The coupons were supposed to work like this: You buy $50 of stuff and get $25 more free. So if I was buying $92 of stuff, I was suposed to get $25 of it free, and that was it. Because the first $50 would get me $25, and over that, I'd only be spending $17 more, which would get me nothing. But this girl rocked, so I got $92 worth of stuff for $46 after taxes. I love her.

My apartment here has already been rented, so that's a relief since I only had to let people in to see it once. Now I can mess it up all I want in the moving process and not have to worry about Carl-the-Manager calling and saying he's bringing someone over in an hour. I have no idea how much of my deposit I'll get back. I've hung about 100 pictures on the wall so there are little nail-holes everywhere. The carpet's pretty much done for, but really, it wasn't all that great when I moved in 2 1/2 years ago, so I'm hoping that won't be held against me. It's just wear and tear, not cat-badness. They prefer to scratch my furniture.

I've been sleeping pretty well, although I tend to go to sleep somewhere around 1 or 2am and then wake up anywhere from 6:30-8:30am, and of course I want to sleep again. But I get up for a while, go to the bathroom, fiddle around on the computer, and then when I go back to bed it's anyone's guess when I'll wake up. It usually involves the very loud ring of the phone next to my head.

I have a new phone number at the new place, though my current phone will be in service until April 15 here as well. E-mail me if you want it now, though I'll be sending it out soon enough anyway. There is some oddness with the voicemail system -- the same voicemail seems to work on both numbers, but it never seems to be at the place I am, it's always at the other place, just to confuse me.

I bought Easter candy at Target for 50% off. Wheee! Good stuff like Snickers eggs and Butterfinger something or other. I know, I don't need it. But half-off!!

books, shopping, sleep, candy, moving, i am a klutz

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