Playing catch-up once again...
Westwood Birdie
Waiting to turn left from Wilshire onto Sepulveda on 3/25/07.
3/27/07. Vons. Yummy.
3/28/07. Taken at the condos next door. I don't like the way it smells, but it's pretty.
Easter is Coming...
...and the calla lilies are in bloom again! 3/28/07.
Vintage-y! 3/28/07.
My favorite recent photo. I'm going to print this one out! 3/29/07.
Honestly, I wanted to knock on the door of the nearest houses and teach these kids how to draw a proper hopscotch ... court? board? Whatever it's called. There were three attempts and none of them were even close. 3/29/07.
Taken in JoAnn's, 3/29/07.
Pink Peeps 1
3/29/07. JoAnn's again.
Pink Peeps 2
I do not eat these. Marshmallow. Yuck.
Ducky Boots!
3/29/07. You can buy these in JoAnn's. I'm sorry to say they all seemed to be in child sizes.