I appreciate the the writings on the
http://www.livejournal.com/community/anti_war/ site. He/She (don't really know I did not have time to figure it out) brought an interesting bill to my eyes which i had not known about. The bill, No Child Left Behind Act, in a brief synopsis says that kids in public schools can have there private information on how to contact them taken from them by any military branch. So if anyone has ever wondered how they get your number, there you go. Thats another big What The Fuck American Government! If you don't want to be in the Army the American government should leave you alone. There is one way the writer wrote on how to keep them from getting your information, but if you care this much about this entry to do so I'm gonna make you go to the anti_war site. If you know me than you'll know I almost got sucked in to sure stupidity. However i realized what a horrible mistake i was doing and decided not to proceed with that. Guess I was listening to much to my parents versus my own self. If you care to know my opinion on war, fuck it. If you care to know my opinion about government, fuck it. If you care to know my opinion about president shrub, FUCK HIM.