Nov 06, 2006 19:12
I need to stay away from ebay. Once I win this last thing I'm done for a while. I seem to go through wee ebay bursts where I buy all round me and then avoid it for months. SO far I've bought:
1. A Team bag
2. A Team car sticker
3. Stargste address labels
4. Stargate collector cards
5. Knitting pattern book
6. Stuffing
7. Lilac riding whip
8. Fleece for Tintin for Christmas
I'm still bidding on 4 pairs of circular needles and hopefully that ends my ebay craze. I blame the mother, she had me go on ebay for riding boots, jodhpurs and a riding hat for Siobhan, so its all her fault. At least I now think I have everything I want off the thing, lol
horse riding,