Oct 07, 2004 02:02
I just can't fail forever, and some day I will set it straight.
Alright here's Dustin's whiny whine time. This is awesome cause I really have no agenda being on this right now but I'm sure I'll start thinking and have something to complain about.
I'm really not to fond of sinus headaches. For the past week it's felt like my head has been in a vice and I think it's fucking up my equilibrium. Part of me hopes that it's not the sinus thing that makes me dizzy and the reason is pretty great. I wish I was getting dizzy from panic attacks or something. That way I would have a physical ailment to justify the validity of my emotional problems. Cause seriously if there's nothing physically wrong with me I'm fine right? I love my archaic mind, I'm surprised I don't use leeches to cure a cold.
Anyway, I've decided that I'm an emotional pack rat. I have a hard time letting go of things because I feel weird committing to one extreme or the other, like I never want to miss out on anything. Ooooh, I'm also an emotional fencewalker, I'm a fencewalking rat god dammit. So my head is teetering back and forth and making me dizzy, then mentally I'm stuck in the middle completely balanced. Maybe I can swap those like 3rd grade cafeteria lunch? This being caught in the middle thing is really interesting...I could make it some weird Buddhist metaphysical type allegory but I mean come on I don't have time for that tomfoolery and I'm not really into all that Eastern shit anyway, you think I'm fuckin Madonna or something? OK, I've officially lost it and this is the most nonsensical trash I've ever written.
Today Tomorrow This weekend Next month Next year: Work on self.
Hmmmm I'll get around to it eventually.