Sep 28, 2007 13:54
Gathering One took place at my parents' home. It was fun, and it ended with Rico urinating on the living room carpet.
Gathering Two took place in Five Points. It was also fun, and it ended with me breaking the China Garden sink.
Gathering Three is going to take place at the Josh/Filip/David/Ryan House tomorrow night. For some of you, this may be news; or for others, the confirmation of a vague suspicion. This is not an act of narcissism or vanity. I am well-aware that no one person truly needs three birthday gatherings. On the contrary, the reason for three gatherings is selfless in nature. I have the best interests of my friends at heart, those who were unable to share my company and bask in my birthday glory during Gatherings One and/or Two. See?
No vanity.
This promises to be fun. If you can't make it or simply don't care to go, that's alright. But I'd like to just spend time with friends. I can't really get enough of that.
::End Transmission::