High School Survey

Nov 07, 2007 09:18

Just stole this from someone on MySpace and posted it there. I want to keep a copy of it, so I'm reposting it here! So here we go.

High School Survey:

The person I stole this from had it as 'answer in regards to your senior year of high school,' but I didn't have a senior year (tested out mid-Sophomore year and went straight to JC), so this is for the year and a half that I did have.

1. Who was your best friend?
Bloke (Mike)

2. What sports did you play?
I wasn't on any sports teams or anything (I had done both track and cross country in middle school, but gave them up when I started high school), but I still loved to run and was okay in some of the stuff we played in PE. Contrary to what people who know me now probably believe, I'm actually not entirely-unathletic. Or at least, I didn't use to be. Heh.

3. What kind of car did you drive?
Didn't--didn't really need one. I rode my bike a lot as a teenager.

4. It's Friday nite...where r u?
Probably at work, at Togos. Otherwise, hanging with Bloke (meaning a movie, ice skating, bowling, playing Goldeneye on N64, walking to 7-11 for a squishee or hottub...our most common Friday nights).

5. Were you a party animal?
Alas, not at all until UCLA (and even then, only a mild bit). Our "parties" in my group in high school consisted of gathering for wrestling PPVs, where we'd also play videogames, see who could chug the most soda before puking (alas, I lost), rant about idiots, politics and the lack of need in this world for certain continents (ha) and, in some of my favorite moments, random acts of violence. Now when I party with those guys (all drinkers now), the violence, paradoxically, is less frequent. The strangeness, however, has increased.

6. Were you considered a flirt?
Ha, only online.

7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir..?
I wish I had gone for choir, but no, I ignored all three.

8. Were you a nerd?
Tough to say--I was one of a couple of the "less nerdy" types, I'd think, within a generally rather nerdy clique. I didn't fully embrace geekdom until I really started getting into various bits of TV years later. I was definitely still weird back then though.

9. Did you get suspended/expelled?
Come to think of it, I never even got detention.

10. Can you sing the fight song?
*Sings* We are California High School....uhhhhh....*mumbles* duh duh duh duh duh duh, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

Guess not.

11. Who were your favorite teachers?
Mrs. Montague, for sure. She let a friend and I do some truly outlandish projects in her Adv. English class Freshman year. That class was a blast. She also regularly gave us printouts with our percentages and all that, also listing our rank in the class. While normally a risky concept, it worked on us beautifully. I was consistently number 2 behind the ditziest, most obnoxious girl in the class. Heh, made the class far more interesting with some personal competition there. Let's see, I also liked Ms. Trager, but not so much as a teacher and more as a coach (she was our Speech and Debate coach).

12. Where did you sit during lunch?
After my initial obligatory months in the commons, we started at the bleachers just off the baseball diamond at the very back of the school and eventually moved to T-4, Montague's room. The majority of us had her class the period after lunch, so we took over the room during lunch and had a group of about 10-15 who would gather to play on her computers, play hangman on the white board, etc. Easily the best part of my whole experience, the T-4 days.

13.What was your school's full name?
California High school (original, I know)

14. School mascot?
Grizzly--we were supposed to be Berkeley's little sister school (what with the name "Cal" High and all) or something.

15. Did you go to Prom?
Wasn't there for it, so nope. Went to both Homecoming dances though. Oh dances...those were absurdly fun in that "woh, so much pressure" sort of way. I miss 'em, I'll admit.

16. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
That is a tricky question. I left mid-way through for a multitude of reasons and the idea of reliving some of those negatives isn't something I'd be keen to repeat, but if I could go back, knowing what I know about life now, then yeah, absolutely. I could do *so* much better with my time in high school if I got another crack at it. I'd hate to do it again exactly as it happened, but I would kill to relive the glory of some of the in-jokey filled T-4 days and the Speech and Debate fun. I also wish I could have experienced a Ball or a Prom. Homecoming was hardly a true formal, so I've never gotten to go to a Formal dance. A shame.

17. What do you remember most about graduation?
Getting my diploma in the mail. Haha. Legally, after leaving Cal High, I had to enroll in a school called Venture (a work from home kind of school where you only go once a week, to meet one-on-one) while I waited for my test results. Venture didn't make me actually ever go or do any of the work, however. Technically, though, I graduated from Venture and the grad ceremony they did was after I had already gotten my results and started JC (and was small and held in a hotel ballroom), so I didn't go.

18. Where did you go senior skip day?
Alas, another high school tradition leaving forced me to miss out on.

20.Were you in any clubs?
I was intensely active in the Speech and Debate club. I went to nearly every competition and stayed after school most days for meetings, practice, etc. Even when we weren't meeting or practicing, a few of us would just go hang after school in the S&D room and play on the computers and what not. Student Congress (as Presiding Officer) and Duo Interp (we did Of Mice and Men) were my big events, with some impromptu thrown in sometimes. My second favorite part of high school. I also did a small bit of student government (I was a member of the school's Student Senate), but that proved to be a joke of a group.

21. Where did you go most often for lunch?
Campus was closed for non-Seniors, so I always either brought something from home (3-4 days a week) or bought dominos.

22. Have you gained some weight since then?
Somewhat, but not as much as I would have liked. I think I've gained about 10-15 pounds since high school--and I still need another 15 or so. Heh.

23. Did you buy a yearbook?
I bought and have every yearbook K-9, for sure. I don't remember if I got one Sophomore year. I *think* I did, but I could very well be wrong on that.

24. Were you a bully?
Only when it came time for my clique to enact violence upon one another for our own amusement. :-)

25. Who was your Senior prom date?

26. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?
Well again, I technically graduated from Venture, so I doubt I'll ever get anything from Cal about any reunions. If I knew the info and all, and knew there'd be some old friends there, I'd probably go, but since I doubt I'll ever even hear about it, it's probably a moot point. Plus, I "graduated" in 2001, but started high school as the class of 03--which would/could I even go to?

27. Who was your home room teacher?
We didn't have home room, per say, but alternating days Period 1 or 2 (after half-length Period A daily--we had block scheduling) was when announcements were made and we had extra time for SSR and all that. So Freshman year, if memory serves, it was Senora Carter (es grande bitcha!, as Bloke and I would say) half the time and Ms. Trager the other half. Sophomore year...I'm less sure, but I think it was whoever taught my Sophomore English class and...I entirely don't remember the other.

28.Who will repost this?
Your mom? (See what I did there?) Seriously, if I can do it (hah, betcha didn't see this one coming Cesar), anyone could.

29. Who was your high school sweetheart?
Really, the only true answer I could say is Sharon, a girl (now a mom!) I still haven't met (but still am in touch with) from Pennsylvania. We practically dated for years through the net. I had a few not-so-long term girlfriends in my short stay in high school (a girl from work, in particular), but the "sweetheart" classification has to go to Sharon.

30. Do you still talk to people from high school?
Absolutely. In fact, a bunch of us play Diplomacy (think Risk without the element of chance) by email and, when we can, get together in the ol' hometown. Now we're all starting to spread out, but we are going for an annual Vegas trip tradition. I also still talk to (and hang out with) Bloke very frequently, though he's in Iraq at the moment.

31. How long have you been out of high school?
I guess it's been close to 7 years now. Wow.
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