Dec 04, 2006 02:46
There's always something about the nearing of christmas in uni that gets me kinda in that lonesome feeling.
this year, i'm thinking maybe it's the hours of practice of guitar in a room by yourself with no audience to apreciate that hard work, maybe it's the lack of sunlight, maybe the cold and starkness of the season are at play...maybe it's because it's exam week, maybe it's walking coburg back home with nothing on the streets from the CS building, where i'm up till the wee hours hammering out gold for myself...fuck maybe it's cause my voice teacher has me singing this melancholy tony bennet shit (which is lovely but you can't help get that old soul and feel some kinda desperation of wanting those golden years back with your kids and deceased wife god rest her beautiful it is, it's got me feeling some kinda blue.
some famous jazz player said though, you gots to know before you blow.