Aug 19, 2006 04:24
There are over 2.7 million asian people in the United states alone. I haven't seen one mainstream Chinese musician in north america yet and i wonder to myself why not... Stereotyping my own race i bet 97% of those kids were threatened by their kids to play piano and about 94% of them have their level 10s in piano RCM. take that into consideration and assume 10% of them are creative...Maybe if the parents would stop threatening their kids to play an instrument as punishment they would actually like it.
I think of how blues, BLUES was played in dirty jazz bars and plantations all across the South of America and how it was infectious to the very last drop. I refuse to believe my culture has been making shit music for the past THOUSANDS of years and I intend to find something in it that no one can stop listening to. And it will be distinctly oriental, but every sound will leave you purified of the prevailing stereotype of asians, every last bit will make perfect perfect sense. and to walk you have to crawl. maybe i'll take the "turning japanese" riff and mutate it so badly you will wonder if i was Pharrell's chinese reincarnate. This has to work. John Cho, Lucy Liu are my contemporaries, fuck jackie chan who makes every chinese person look like some kind of martial arts, monkey... jin the rapper tried, i'm going for it guys, wish me luck. I'm not doing this for some race retribution or for some kind of race revolution for that matter. I'm going to do it one else has.
In regards to racism or racial intolerance, whatever. We all have to open up our minds and realize that skin color and racism is for the weak and narrow minded. This is one planet among billions and trillions, space is vast, we are floating on this lucky sphere all together, why do we fight about so many stupid things, when in the end the picutre is so big i dont even know where it begins and we end. this planet only lasts for 4 billion years, how are you gonna stay mad forever... they say when people die they are enlightened. when that time comes, which will probably be before 4 billion years and this planet is COOKED, who are we going to be then.