
Dec 28, 2007 21:17

I know I am seriously behind, so I'm resorting to bullet points. In no particular order:
  • I've been sick for the last couple of days. Actually, I think I've been coming down with something for a while; I had night sweats for one night last week (which was kinda weird) and then Wednesday, all of the sudden I just felt wiped out. I was halfway to my support group and just decided not to go. The next morning, my voice was pretty much gone. So I saw a doc yesterday (not my doc though) and he basically said that I've got some sort of viral infection, for which there is no magic pill, and I need lots of rest and liquids. I'm guessing he didn't mean spiked egg nog. I'm glad that it's nothing serious, but not happy about the prospect of feeling crappy through NYE, which is the only night out of the year that I am pretty reliably drunk. Might have to adjust my habits this year, dammit.

    Related topic: quillon has been sick for most of the month himself, and was just starting to get over his upper respiratory crap as I came down with my (hopefully different) version.

  • Our internet access was down for a good part of the month. In the midst of finals, our landlady decided to upgrade to the flatulent suckogasm known as Vista, and it fucked up the network. At first she thought that the router was dying, so she bought a new one, and suddenly our spotty fickle connection completely died. Unfortunately she was leaving town the next day, and didn't have time to play with it, so we had to wait till she got home for it to be restored. But the good news is that, for now, Vista has been beaten into submission and again lets us access the internet.

  • I never updated about the snow storm. It took me 2½ hours to get home, and a big part of that was thanks to this really stupid woman stopping near the top of a hill... to wipe snow off her back window. Once I stopped moving I couldn't get traction again, and came very close to just abandoning my car at one point. Took me an hour to get moving again. I had a thought to call one of my classmates in my Social Work class to ask if I could crash at his place (I know two guys in the dorms) and I guess this is a lesson to listen to my intuition. As bad as I had it, though, I heard lots of stories that were much worse. Still, I was traumatized by the experience.

  • I got my grades back tonight for the semester, and I'm pleased. Straight As. 4.0 baby! I'm this weird mix of gratified and surprised, because there were so many points during the semester where I felt like I was treading water, or in over my head, or totally lost, and it all worked out. Not only did I get all As: I got the high score on my Biology final. Even without the curve, I still had an A, and with the curve it was an almost perfect score (again). I ended with something like a 98 average, way better than I expected four months ago.

    Maybe the real reason I'm so floored is that there's such a disconnect between the person I was last time I went to school and the person I am now, and I'm still just getting used to it.

  • quillon was a real sweetie and got me four things from my Amazon wishlist, which I totally wasn't expecting. The biggest item was the fifth season of Six Feet Under, which was plenty, but then he also got me three books: Don't Get Too Comfortable by David Rackoff, American Fascists by Chris Hedges, and The Art of Possibility by Zander and Zander. It's nice to be reading something that's not assigned, for a change.
That's enough for now. As crappy as I feel, I have this urge for something chocolate...
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