This is what my userinfo page used to look like, before I finally decided (around June 07) that it was waaay too many words and pictures, so I abbreviated it.
Me, The Cliffs Notes Version
I am a New England transplant originally from Texas. I used to work for
US Airways, first as a ramp agent, then as a customer service agent, but I left that job in 2002 for medical reasons. I am HIV+, and currently living on disability benefits, so I have no “job” with a “paycheck” per se. But I do a lot of volunteer work, mostly with
AIDS Project Rhode Island, participating in coordinating their Speakers Bureau. I am also periodically active politically. I write a lot about those two things, more the former than the latter, and also the impact HIV has on my life. I tend to use cut tags for the longer entries. I also tend to navel gaze a lot in my journal. The current plan is to return to school in the fall of 2007 and end up with an MSW in three years, give or take. I'm sure I'll be writing about that too, when that ball starts rolling...
I lean left politically, toward the gay end of bisexual, toward the New Age/Neo-Pagan end of the religious spectrum, and I am (lacto-ovo) vegetarian, but I require none of the above from my friends.
If You Want To Follow My Journal...
If you’ve added me as a friend I would appreciate it if you would tell me why in a comment on
this entry. It’s fine if you don’t, but there’s a good chance I won’t add you back, or necessarily even notice you, if you don’t, especially if you never comment on my entries. I’m pretty easy about adding people back when I’ve been properly introduced. I am an adult adoptee, and my family might be considered a tad confusing (at least at first), so if you find yourself confused or curious there’s a primer
here explaining the basics.
I have an opt-in sexually explicit filter. Opting in is taken to mean that you don't mind reading entries with sexually explicit material. (I use cut tags on those entries.) I keep track of who has opted in by checking out a poll on the subject, which I put
here. You need to take the poll in order to be put in the filter. If you’re in the filter, you can find a list of entries
here. If you’ve taken the poll and it’s been a while and you still can’t read what’s in there,
shoot me an email.
My journal begins
Random links
I really like the style of my journal, but recognize that some people really hate it. So if that describes you, and you want to read it by itself, just add ?style=mine to the end of the URL (i.e. ) and it will come up in the style of your journal. (This works for other journals too.)
If you don't understand what all the numbers mean when I'm talking about HIV-related bloodwork, and you want to, look
here for a discussion of same.
For the third consecutive year I am doing the
AIDS Project RIin June.
The above link takes you to my personal fundraising page. Please consider making a donation if you haven't already done so.
If you want to help fund free mammograms, then
click here. Seriously. The advertisers on the site make donations based on how much traffic the link generates.
Wanna help me pay for my next tattoo? You can make a donation by clicking the button above. Seriously.
Yeah, I have zero shame. None!
Click banner for article. Click here for code. My Geektoys
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