I just woke up, for the third time, from the weirdest dream.
Each time I went back to sleep, it got more involved. I was dreaming about updating my journal, about a topic that I thought I'd already written. The final time it ended up being an episode of the original Battlestar Galactica I'd come up with on my own that involved... the Pink Ladies from Grease using the Enterprise-D from Star Trek (TNG) to beam out gas for the Galactica from a Siberian oil field in Earth's past.
It was really elaborate, and the thing is I know I've had that dream before. Many times, even. I wish I could remember the original entry I dreamed that I'd written, because that was actually kinda cool. I think.
I'm still recovering from last week.
The meetings with Congress went really well, but those were really long days, and the visit with the NJ contingent of my family (Mary Ann, aka my birthmother, and Lilly, aka my little younger sister) was nice, but it seemed like I blinked and it was over. Then I got back into RI with just enough time to pet the kitty, shower and shave, and get my ass over to
Garden Grille for Dining Out For Life. We raised a good chunk of money just from that one restaurant, but it made for an exhausting end to a very long day. Then Friday morning I was back at work, showing up to the same school where my cell phone was stolen back at the end of February to do a full day of presentations... at 7:30 in the morning. On about 5 hours of sleep. I estimate I put well over 1k miles on my car from Sunday through Friday.
So, predictably, I've been hibernating this weekend.
I've got another long day tomorrow: there's a speaking gig at a new school (for me) in the morning, which wraps up just in time for me to get to a staff meeting (probably a few minutes late), then I get to touch base with a contact I made on Thursday night for a potential future speaking gig, then I get to come home and rest for a bit before another CAB meeting, which should be interesting (in the Chinese curse sense).
I'm predicting that Civ IV is going to play prominently in my day today. Again.