Yay for the bullet points:
- Just finished another session with my life coach. Sometimes I feel like he is more an inexpensive and unlicensed (but very effective) therapist than a life coach. I know that we're "supposed" to talk about my career (whatever that means) but we often end up talking about other stuff. Someday, I hope to be in a position to pay him what he's actually worth, which is a hell of a lot more than I can currently afford.
- The kid playing the music I'm listening to? Eldar Whatshislips? Oh my goodness he is talented. And cute! And I think he's only like 18. Wow. Click the link if you have iTunes and listen to/get his stuff.
- I'm not totally over this crud (my, it hangs on) but I am better enough to where I don't think I can use it as an excuse for not doing normal day to day stuff anymore. I'm going to actually make a real dinner tonight, risotto with fried tofu, to reward quillon for putting up with a month of take-out and lazy crap food. I know, it doesn't sound all that great to everyone, especially the carnivores, but it will be yummy. I love fried tofu (love!) and he at least likes it a lot.
- Did a pretty amazing card reading this morning. To be honest I've been feeling kind of down on myself lately, like my life came screeching to a halt when I got sick and now I'm not sure how to get it moving again. The cards set me straight, so to speak. One of the things on my laundry list was a writing project I'd been working on that I totally dropped in September. Interestingly enough, the very first card had this to say: "The picture tells you to slow down, to be more careful... can refer to any project or idea that you have, whether painting your house, sewing a dress, fixing your car, starting a business, writing a book, making a proposal at work..." It was talking about the beneficial aspects of delay (as opposed to DeLay), how it can work in your favor. Spooky how that works sometimes.
- I noticed this morning that my street had a gazillion cars parked on it. I wondered what the heck was going on, and then it dawned on me: it's Rosh Hashanah, and there's a Jewish temple a couple of blocks away. Makes sense. I guess saying "Happy Rosh Hashanah!" to my Jewish friends doesn't really work (unless you're on the Daily Show), but, well... I guess "Happy New Year" works.
- On a kind of related note: I guess one of the good things about the C2EA caravans getting pushed back a couple of weeks was that originally, the caravans would have fallen during, well, now, and they want input and involvement from all the communities of faith. It's kind of boorish to expect Jewish leaders to take time away from their observation of Rosh Hashanah to do some C2EA prayer breakfast, though, a point that not everyone in the campaign understood. Even though I'm no longer involved with them, I'm glad that they're at least not conflicting with Rosh Hashanah (and, incidentally, Yom Kippur next week) anymore. I still feel like they should have pushed the caravans back to next spring, but whatever.
- Today, I'm going to rework my outline for my Speakers Bureau presentation. I noticed that when I had nice long 77 minute classes last week, I ran on for about 45-50 minutes easily, and the problem is that I usually don't have that luxury. Like this week, for example; the classes are more like 45 minutes, and I have to allow at least 10-15 minutes for questions, because that's the best part (for the students, anyway). So I need to figure out what the essential ingredients are again. I've done it before, plenty of times, but I just don't want to mess up and run out of time. The gig is Thursday and Friday, but I think I want to work on it now, while I'm thinking about it and I have some time to practice.
I think that does it for now.
Eldar Djangirov,
Watermelon Island