sooo long since ive written sorrryy!

Mar 12, 2002 20:14

hiyyya x sorry bout the length that its taken me to write! infact i did think about coming on the other day - but then completely forgot! and then charlie rang me up, and mentioned live journal so i thought 'hey why don't i go and write something! :P' and so here i am!
but- anyhow, whats been going on :S hmm! well- my bands getting up and running- which is just amazing :D and soo jolly fun!! we played a 3 song set with our friends from stalephish and half time show- which was thoroughly scary ! especially coz we only decided we'd play and hour before hand! but it was really good fun- and has got us all ready to play some more gigs soon :D its ded exciting! and we've got new songs coming by the truck load (okay- well not a truck, but quite a few!)
oh this has been ded short- coz ive been writing on msn at the same time and its taken my concentration away sorry! and now ive got to go and watch at home with the braithwaites!! of course
but i will be writing sooonn :D bye bye bye xx
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