(no subject)

Oct 09, 2004 11:37

I thought this was funny! What do you thing?

Rev22v21: hey
letsbepacifists: hey
Rev22v21: sup?
letsbepacifists: not a whole lot what about you?
Rev22v21: nm, i'm kinda sad though
letsbepacifists: about what?
Rev22v21: i get to go to oliver's house today though. yay!
letsbepacifists: awesome
Rev22v21: yea
Rev22v21: but uh..
Rev22v21: i'm kinda said.. cuz..
Rev22v21: i ran over a cat last night
letsbepacifists: I'm sorry
Rev22v21: i was driving my dad and bro to Taco Bell to get dinner... and a cat jumped out in front of me and i ran over it, twice
Rev22v21: with my front tire and then my back tire
Rev22v21: and i was all shooken up and was fixing to cry
Rev22v21: and my bro goes, "was that a cat?" and my dad said, "not anymore"
Rev22v21: anywho..
Rev22v21: yea..
Rev22v21: but i get to see oliver!
Rev22v21: yay!!
letsbepacifists: what time?
Rev22v21: and then i get to go with him and some friends to a friend's house tonight!
Rev22v21: yay!
Rev22v21: around 3ish
letsbepacifists: awesome!
Rev22v21: :-D
Rev22v21: *
Rev22v21: lol
Rev22v21: yup~!
Rev22v21: yea.. apparently i'm not friends with travis anymore
letsbepacifists: why not?
Rev22v21: because he refuses to talk to me
Rev22v21: because of my shirt i was wearing yesterday
Rev22v21: that said, "Bush for Prez"
letsbepacifists: oh yeah I hate bush too
Rev22v21: why?
Rev22v21: he's a christian, who has good morals and values
letsbepacifists: exactly
Rev22v21: dude, i thought you were a christian
letsbepacifists: he's dragging christianity into the state which is against our constitution
letsbepacifists: which messes with other peoples rights
letsbepacifists: I mean good he's a christian and good he can voice it but he can't make laws regarding religion
Rev22v21: no, it's not. the reason for "separation of church and state" was to get the gov't out of the church, because the church was taxing and stuff. but it wasn't so that we couldn't have church in our gov't
Rev22v21: he hasn't made laws regarding religion
letsbepacifists: he tried to make an ammendment to the constitution to ban gay marriage that had to do with christianity
Rev22v21: the definition of marriage is between a man and a women
letsbepacifists: the christian definition is
Rev22v21: the point of marriage is to start a family, you can't naturally start a family with gay marriages
letsbepacifists: marriage is the coming together of two people putting 2 lives together basically to make one
Rev22v21: sheesh Ryan. If you say ur a christian, and then you say ur hate him, that's kinda contradicting, right?
letsbepacifists: no not at all
Rev22v21: the Bible says not to hate. it's a sin
Rev22v21: Christians usually believe what God says
letsbepacifists: the bible says not to kill and bush has killed many
letsbepacifists: so he's not christian either
Rev22v21: Bush hasn't killed crap
letsbepacifists: their's a war in Iraq that he started
Rev22v21: so what, are you gonna stop talking to me because i'm a christian and because I support Bush?
Rev22v21: The bible also talks about justice, and the punishments
Rev22v21: about how if you kill someone, ur to be killed
letsbepacifists: the old testament does but the new testament says to turn the other cheek
Rev22v21: Since when did you start getting so UU?
letsbepacifists: I'm not UU! You don't even know what the hell UU is!
Rev22v21: Travis talks about it all the time. and I already looked stuff up for myselft
Rev22v21: it seems like you don't even believe in Christ anymore
Rev22v21 signed off at 11:37:13 AM.
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