Nov 22, 2004 23:57
wow... sometimes.... ahhh... sometimes i just wanna scream.. everything seems so right, right now... amazing wonderful HAPPY things are just happening all around me.. and to me too!!
ugh! life is just so good...
yes.. for those of u who know me... there is a boy involved.. not that i'm "INVOLVED" with him.. but he's there.. possibly something more happening.. soonn... hehe i wish i was back in albion so i could seeeee what's gonna happen.. but we'll have to wait a week.. hehe
on the other hand i'm so happy to be home!! i surprised my mom and dad... apparently my brother... becuase i came home early!.. but i told jonathan taht i was gonna surprise mom and dad and come home early.. hehe silly boy...
ahahahahaheeeee... happiness
oh another thing that makes me incredibly happy..
COO KOOOOO.... COO KOOOOOO.. i miss my teresa.. :)