Now. I'm not one to get political. In fact I hate talking about it in my daily life. But every so often, I catch word of something that makes me go.... "Huh. Yeah. That's pretty freaking bad"....
This was one such article. I think the first 3 pages of it are pretty damn heavy: Talking about the Bill O'Reilly / Bush interviews. Now... I'm not a political person... but Bill asks a very good Question. And it's one... that Bush doesn't answer. And it's one that later the administration is asked. or at least Snow. and they give an even Worse answer....
Sometimes, if I wasn't a cynic already, I'd be more upset/worried about the state of this country.
I just don't like this presidency. And it's because of things like this that pop up every now and then.
For you more political types, I'm sure you've already heard about this interview and probably noticed this as well.... But still. Feel free to check it out and give your own thoughts on the article.