Apr 23, 2006 21:30
The car has been placed in the shop (since friday) until Tuesday.
I was reduced to the following options:
a) Leech rides from friends that I think I can depend on for a week
b) Sit at home and play gamecube & walk to work
c) Fix my bicycle companion, the Mongoose.
For hours I tinkered with the broken-down legend, fixing and replacing components.
As all things degenerate, the mongoose is no exception... as the front and back brake lines have snapped due to rust. (English = I have no brakes.)
The upside: with the tune-up and no brake friction, the bike is MUCH faster and coasts MUCH longer.
The downside: I don't have brakes, I can't stop when I'm going fast, making me at the mercy of any and every reckless (or asshole) driver on a road or in an intersection
It's sort of like reliving the past, only doing it in "Hard Mode".
So far, I've had over 20 close calls in two days.
It doesn't scare me too much, back when I used to ride my bike permanantly, I had close many calls and was hit by cars on three seperate occasions... granted I had fantastic brakes back then ^_^"
Wish me luck till Tuesday. :D