Dec 12, 2015 20:32
I'm fairly new to the Arashi fan community as well as livejournal and I figured I should properly introduce myself.
I'm a 23 years old student of English and Japanese aspiring to become a full-time translator and if that fails, then I guess another job (hopefully having to do with languages) will have to do. Anyway, the Japanese studies and my prior interest in Japan eventually led to me getting totally absorbed in everything Arashi, especially last semester during my State Exam preparations. That is also how I came across this site - in search of anything Arashi that I could read/watch/download.
Nowadays, I hope to find more than that here. Naturally, I'd like to continue to profit from the livejournal communities and all their materials, but aside from that I'm looking for friends with similar obsessions, because those are very scare aroud me (I'm Czech)...
So, if you have any interest in anything Japanese (language, anime, manga, music...) and of course in Arashi, feel free to contact me - I'll be glad to discuss that and who knows, maybe some day in the future we might get to travel to Japan together!