Title: Winter Lives In My Bones
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries.
Pairing/Characters: Jeremy/Vicki, Jeremy/Anna, Vicki/Anna, Jeremy/Anna/Vicki.
Rating: PG-13.
Words: 1,200.
Summary: An As I Lay Dying coda. They've already died once, now they can't ever leave him.
Notes: Written for
midnightblack07's prompt in
The Vampire Diaries Free-For-All Comment Ficathon. The
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It feels like a cold shadow, memories of the times his body moved with theirs, different time but same place (Anna sighs in his ear and Vicki sinks her teeth into his shoulder, and he feels it backwards, like a replay of events that happened before, but scrambled and out of order). They don’t belong in the same space and they’re in the wrong time, but they’re here and he can’t let go and they don’t want him to. Anna and Vicki bracket themselves around him like a barricade, no one gets out and no one gets in.
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