Nov 08, 2005 09:01
I am supposed to be writing a paper. I am supposed to be writing a paper. I am supposed to be writing a paper. Yeah, I'm not.
Anyone want a cat? One of the neighborhood released cats had baby kittens in the garage. First we found one, then two, and now we've realized that there are three. (I'll probably come home tonight and find four at the rate we're going.) They're so cute. They look like they're a month or so old because they can eat and drink on their own and they can see and walk pretty well. Their mother comes to visit every few hours but aside from that they live in the storage garage in a back corner alone. One cat is all black and the other two are brown and black striped. They look like twins which is why we thought there were two for so long. I want to keep them all because they're really cute and innocent and cute and in need of a home and cute and really cute and yeah... you get the point. If no one wants them I'm taking them in... I'm not letting them go to a shelter or worse, roam the neighborhood like the others. They're the size of the bunnies for now... but since I've seen mama cat and she's so small, I don't think they'll get very big.
School sucks... I'm tired... the usual there. But life is good... at least comparable to other times. But I have an odd craving for pizza and ice cream... 9:00am and I want pizza and ice cream... makes sense.
Okay, now I'm really going to go work on the paper. Procrastination=bad!