Jan 15, 2014 23:42
I have them, creeping in and it's cold and I don't want to go to bed. I have a long list of things that must be done tomorrow. Must be done.
But for tonight. I spoke to M. on chat and he said he didn't relish going back to work tomorrow. I think of the tedious jobs I have held - motherhood being very high on that list. Let's face it, early motherhood is the most tedious thing in the world. Wake, sleep, eat, repeat. I did not enjoy it.
But I said to M, "Change five things about your routine. And write them down." It's my only real cure to depression or rut-settling. Well, that and a cup of tea.
So today, five things I did to change my routine:
1. Lit candles, put on a movie during our sit down time (I chose Labyrinth.) We never have movies early in the evening. But tonight I wanted a David Bowie concert in my living room and that was the closest I could come.
2. Rearranged my desk area.
3. Decided to not make dinner. Ordinarily we have a sit down dinner. Tonight we threw open the fridge and both grazed.
4. Changed our story reading place to downstairs.
5. Surfed random blogs and came up with a list of musicians I've never heard of to listen to on YouTube.
6. Made this post public.