Jan 05, 2013 22:44
First a few realizations. I am HUGELY productive. I usually keep to do lists but they are outlines. They are not what I have actually done and when I write it all down like that it looks enormous. I am now at a few points I really want to note.
1. All that steam and power, if put behind me and my business, will monetize. And that's what I need. I need my efforts to turn into money. Right now my efforts turn into power which gets behind other people's careers and sometimes brings in money. Well all that diagram is being rewritten.
2. I underestimate rest. I go too hard and I need to, as much as it feels like a waste, build in some just "do nothing" hours. I'm not good at that and I go until I fall down. It's almost eleven. How did that happen? I'm not sure.
Celebrations and Gratitude:
I need this section. First off, someone who has been a huge support to me in all ways, a huge champion of me and my career got GREAT news today. He's been hired as PRODUCER on an indie film. NOT an "itty bitty budget" indie film and not a pretend indie that is a studio indie but a real true indie. This made my day. HUGELY.
I am grateful for my son and my cat and my little brown dog.
Efficiency and Work Hours:
Friday, D4
I didn't get to bed until late after that last entry and then I couldn't sleep. So I did a no-no. I read a script in bed for work and fell asleep reading that. Then overslept but still, I got a lot more reading done than I thought I would. Yay? Not sure.
Got kid to school, went by, synched my calendar with family, checked in, had a meeting (wow, need to make that meeting follow up list for Monday!), then went from that to anther meeting with a client who wants to make a web commercial. Went over there. Then talked about a future project and also gave her the update on spaces. Came back here, answered some emails really fast, cleaned, said by to my business partner and then ran out to get my son.
Saturday, D5
Whew. Got up, got half ready, rushed son out, dropped him off at a friends, came back, finished dressing, jumped in car with printed headshots and resumes, auditioned. Saw a gal I know at the audition and was quick to say hi and chat and then sent her a FB message from the car wishing her good luck and saying it was good to see her. Managed to chat a bit to the casting director and director but while I did good I didn't NAIL it which pretty much means you don't have it in acting. Drove home, got son after basketball game, got home, fed son, and then tackled work again updating CastingNetwork, CastingFrontier and two other sites for acting and then sent a thank you note to my agent. Printed the updated script for a table read tomorrow, solidified childcare and directions. Printed more resumes and prepped headshots. Made a great to do list for Monday. Emailed people about the read tomorrow.
Looked online to see if I could find secondhand or ebay replacements for my super well fitting expensive as hell jeans that I wear for auditioning that died. They weren't there. Will keep looking.
Updating those profiles took some time.
Friendships and Fun
Friday, D4
I took the bus up to see my friend S. who is normally a Prod. Coordinator on tour with big bands and only in town for a few more days before she's gone again. I had dinner with her, her boyfriend and what's more, S. and i took the bus at night to downtown which is new for him. He loved it and did really well. Afterwards we missed two buses so Rabbit came and grabbed us for a warm up of coco at his friend's coffeeshop before we jumped the right bus home, reading the whole way home.
Saturday, D5
I went to S's basketball game and as I've been working more gently today I've taken a few breaks (not enough) to play legos with him.
See work section for today.
I also called the costume designer for the play I am in in March (will tell you more later).
When I prep for a character (like tomorrow) I don't write as I need the solo voice of the character in my head.
Feeding the Artistic Beast:
D4- talking with my friend S. about how we structure our lives, oddly, was perfect for that day.
Reading a WONDERFUL book Molly sent me and experimenting with Pandora stations for classical piano pieces.
D5 - Okay have failed in this area today.
D4 Saw friends.
D5 Um.
Date tomorrow with Rabbit?
I hid from my cell phone today. Hit burn out as I've been going too hard. Need more downtime but it's not coming tomorrow nor Monday. I will build it into Tuesday.
I drank a fair amount of sake last night, and ate 5 chocolates and some icecream as well as three helpings at dinner. I'm drinking less coffee and more water. But not a great mark for either day.
I did charge up my fitbit again and will be using it.
Called on an aerial class, figured I need more structure to my exercise.
HUGE gains. D4 and D5 I spent some special time one on one with the little one. He's been weepy and emotional today and I was calm and earned at least four or five hugs. He's happy, he feels like he's had time with me, the bus was an adventure and he had a playdate. I feel really good about this right now but he's up too late and that I need to start working on. We both resist the bedtime, yo.
I've worked almost all day in front of the computer on acting stuff. I need to shut it off and NOT read the other script and NOT read the script in bed but get up early and work on it. I want to go for a run to get some energy out and maybe I will.
Okay I'm beat. I need more downtime but I need to prep all this stuff. I will sort that out, maybe sleep less or sleep in chunks. I still am so behind on personal things, the little touches I long for. Our thank you cards are half done, I do have some packages for people but I see now why I'm so crammed. It's weird to say but I didn't realize that before and if you could hear in my head you'd hear all the things undone: the interior of the car is untidy, I don't like that my house is so...teenagery style, when I see other adult houses of S's playmates. But we don't actually live in a house, we are in an apartment which does mean my bike is in the hallway and not hidden in some garage somewhere.
Shopped and bought good healthy organic meals for the next three days. Cooked home food, served, cleaned up. Ate together. We always do this but I write it down because it makes me feel good.
Okay going to go to bed though I really want to go on a run.
For real.