Fanfiction meme

Dec 14, 2007 21:19

* Why do you write fanfiction?
Because the demons will swallow me alive otherwiseBecause I like pimping out my favorite characters. Because I have no life and every fic I make is gratuitious wishful thinking on my part where all the characters are me and I want me to be the happiest person alive!!!!!1

Because I need to write to live.

* What made you start?
YuuYuu Hakusho. The Arbor. The decided thought of fan fiction is a good way to relieve stress. Oh those were the days...also I wrote thinly disguised Mary Sues original fiction based off children's classics before I wrote for anime and manga.

* Slash, Het, or Gen?
Either, any, all, my cup overfloweth with joy.

* What fandoms do you write in?
...listing okay. HikaGo, PoT, Yu-gi-oh!, Harry Potter, KHR, Bleach, Saint Seiya, someone help me list this?

* What fandoms do you read in?
ditto above + add Sherlock Holmes, Star Trek, Heroes.

* What's the worst story you've ever written?
close runner up but the worst story is not available online.

* What writers are your inspiration?
Maria Rainier Rilke, Hermann Hesse. Rabindranath Tagore. NO EXPLANATION RIGHT NOW.

* WIPs or completed stories only? stories turn out to be WIPs in the end.


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