Devouring books

Aug 19, 2007 06:40

I purchased Perfume, a book by Patrick Süskind because its reclusive author was once featured in a television show I loved to watch. The synopsis given - of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, 18th century murderer intent on catching the elusive perfect scent - was intriguing, but I suppose I was more intrigued by the idea of a reclusive author creating a piece like Perfume. It even has a movie produced which I want to own and watch since it was a good read - not the most exciting, most memorable read I've had so far (Those by rights are reserved to To kill a Mockingbird and Les Miz) but compelling nevertheless. I have to admit I had qualms of shelling out the full cost for the book, since there's going to be a bookfair soon, but I practically devoured the book on the way home. (It's a bad habit. D=)

I am not just watching the movie since Alan Rickman is there. ^^; *denials*

I have Demian in my bag, and I'll probably devour it at the same pace on the way home. I'm a bit nervous about starting Peace Breaks Out, the sequel to John Knowles' Separate Peace, if only because I randomly opened the book and got a scene where the main character was propositioned in a bar. O_o;


Death games will be the death of me. ^_^


Ditto for subrosa_tennis and blind_go~♥! But I am meeting tons of new people which is great.


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