
Feb 11, 2005 22:36

well, I just got in from the field. we only went out for 1 day, but it was a long day. We left around 5:30 AM and went out to POS-NAV with our bradley's. For those of you who don't know, my job as a scout has been kinda reclassified into a bradley dismount. A bradley is kinda like a mini-tank although it's not a tank. Think of it as an APC. (Armored Personnel Carrier) with guns. The weapons the track has are as follows: a 25 mm cannon, a 7.62mm machine gun. Quadra Smoke grenade launchers and I think that's it. But the navigation system in the new version of them is sweet. The computerized tracking system and all of the components are very advanced and basically tell the driver exactly how far he has to go and in what direction. It's very cool.

Anyway, I'm in the back of this thing and if they need someone on the ground, sticking his nose into business that needs to be messed with, I'm their man, which on one hand is cool, yet on the other hand.. Well, I dont have a 37 ton metal shell to protect me from bullets if I'm out there... so yeah.. that's kinda scary.. but I trust the judgement of my BC (bradley commander) to know when to send me out when it's safe and to pull me back in...

ANYWAY, we went out with the bradley's and did POS-NAV, which is basic navigation familarization. It went well, except we got very muddy and this morning spent... 5 hours at the washrack.. which is this HUGE washing facility and just cleaned and cleaned and it was a pain in the ass and cold and I was tired and hungry and blahhhhhhh. But, finally i'm done and off for a WELL deserved weekend.

I'm playing more and more of Resident Evil 4 which is a kick ass game, despite being primarily for the gamecube.. however it's PS2 and XBox components are due later on this year... this game is awesome. the dynamics of weaponry and physics arent as advanced as some PC games.. (a.k.a. HalfLife 2) but, you can still like shoot people in the legs and knees and watch them drop it.. and I'm getting used to the GC's analog stick to aim, which I guess it pretty cool.. But yeah, if you have a GC, go check it out.

Okay, that's enough for now. Oh, one last thing, i was meandering around the net the other day and wanted to hop on IRC's undernet to say hi to some buddies and all when I came across the room.. #texas. Normally, the regs in there were proficient internet junkies. (lol, j/k guys) and of course gave me some static for being new to a room.. as all people do, because they think you can't really communicate or are from another country and dont know what the hell you are doing.. (it's crazy the amount of foreign people that go into american state-named rooms.) But, eventually, they "accepted" me and are a cool bunch of people. In fact, they are having what they call a "gtg" which is slang for "Get-To-gether" LOL.. and they invited me, so I'll get to meet some of them first hand, which is cool. That will be happening next weekend, and hopefully, all of my money wont be gone so I can spend some at this thing,a nd have some for gas to and fro.. since it's up in college station.

And that's the news for tonight and I guess the weekend. not much exciting is happening here this weekend except me relaxing and such, and getting some energy back to deal with the next week's work, so until next time.. Uhh. Bye! :)

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